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[Prosecutors in action] Huaibei, Anhui: relying on smart prosecutors to solve the problem of lawyers' cross provincial marking
Time: March 4, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   "Thank you for your convenience and let me mark the papers in the shortest time during the epidemic". Recently, Lawyer Wang from Doctor's Law Firm in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province called to express his thanks to the Case Management Office of the Procuratorate of Xiangshan District, Huaibei City.

   On the afternoon of February 24, near the end of work, Lawyer Wang called the Xiangshan District Procuratorate and said that he was the attorney for a suspect in a case. He wanted to read and understand the case in time, but he was in Nanjing and could not go to Huaibei to read the case during the epidemic. He hoped that the court could help him. After asking for instructions from the leader of the court, in order to ensure the information security of the case, the Case Management Office decided to transfer the case to the local procuratorate through the procuratorial organ's mail service system, and the lawyer would check the papers at the "door of home". Later, the Case Management Office of Xiangshan District Procuratorate contacted the Case Management Office of Nanjing Municipal Procuratorate with the help of the case management offices of provincial and municipal procuratorates, and reached an agreement with the other party on the way of remote marking. Because the file was too large to be uploaded and sent by attachment, after several attempts, the encrypted case electronic file was finally sent to the Case Management Office of Nanjing Procuratorate through the network disk function of the mail system on the afternoon of the 25th. Lawyer Wang successfully obtained the electronic file burning CD on the same day.  

   In less than a day, lawyers in other places have achieved "at home" marking, which is not only the cooperation of procuratorial organs in Huaibei and Nanjing, but also benefits from the establishment of intelligent procuratorial services.