Local developments
[Prosecutors in action] The picture of Hefei war "epidemic": the procuratorial function is not slackened
Time: February 25, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

As the capital of Anhui Province, Hefei is the area with the greatest pressure on epidemic prevention and control among the 16 cities in the province, and also the area with the largest number of cases handled by the procuratorial organs in the province every year. During the epidemic prevention and control period, Hefei's procuratorial organs at the two levels did not perform their functions loosely, provided adequate services, and did not reduce their efforts and standards in handling cases. This year, all procuratorial work continued to maintain a good momentum.

Since the prevention and control of the epidemic, the staff of 12309 Procuratorial Service Center of Hefei Municipal Procuratorate has always been on the job online, accepting and responding to people's demands in a timely manner according to law.

——Photographer: Wang Fasong

On February 11, the People's Procuratorate of Luyang District, Hefei City, intervened in advance to guide the public security organs to investigate and collect evidence in the case of Sun's use of masks to defraud.

On February 18, the Luyang District Procuratorate filed a public prosecution against Sun for suspected fraud. The picture shows the prosecutor bringing up Sun for trial.

Hefei Luyang District Court held a public hearing on the fraud case of Sun, and adopted the charges and sentencing suggestions of the procuratorial organ. Sun was sentenced to one year's imprisonment for fraud in court and fined 18000 yuan. This is also the first case of epidemic related mask fraud in Hefei.

——Photographer: Ma Yundong

On February 11, Yang Qiong, the prosecutor of the First Procuratorate of Chaohu Procuratorate, "appeared in court" to prosecute a case through online video calls. During the trial, Yang Qiong read out the indictment, presented evidence, launched court debate, and issued public prosecution opinions.

——Photographer: Wang Fubing

On February 18, Sheng Danqing, director of the Political Department of the People's Procuratorate of Feidong County, went to the protective clothing manufacturer and Hefei Gaobei Si Nonwovens Products Co., Ltd. to guide and supervise the implementation of the enterprise's epidemic prevention and control measures during the resumption of work.

——Photographer: Huang Shuting

On February 19, the prosecutor of the second procuratorial department of the Yaohai District Procuratorate in Hefei raised a criminal suspect in an evil case through the remote interrogation system.

——Photographer: Yang Kun

On February 19, the prosecutor of Lujiang County Procuratorate summoned a criminal suspect who had examined an arrest case in the county detention center.

——Photographer: Jiang Xiaoyu

The time limit for Xu Mou, a criminal suspect in a dangerous driving case, to obtain a guarantor pending trial has expired. On February 17, the prosecutor of Hefei Shushan District Procuratorate went to the community where Xu Mou lived that has been "closed for management" to handle the procedures for obtaining a guarantor pending trial.

——Photographer: Yellow River

On February 4, the police of the First Procuratorate of the Baohe District Procuratorate in Hefei interrogated the criminal suspect through the remote interrogation system.

——Photographer: Guo Ziwei

On February 5, the procurator of Changfeng County Procuratorate raised 4 suspects for remote interrogation. Under the witness of lawyers, all four suspects signed a written statement of guilty plea and punishment.

——Photographer: Zhu Yusheng