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Anhui War "Epidemic" Poster | Anhui procuratorial organ "Epidemic" line handling picture brocade
Time: February 19, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Since the epidemic prevention and control, the procuratorial organs at all levels in Anhui have actively promoted the "four major procuratorates" and "ten major businesses". On the one hand, they have escorted the smooth progress of the epidemic prevention and control work, and on the other hand, they have paid close attention to the daily case handling work, which reflects the procuratorial organs' responsibility in special periods.

   The "epidemic" line is busy in handling cases, and the four major procurators are advancing together  

On February 5, the case handling personnel of the First Procuratorial Department of the Yushan District Procuratorate of Ma'anshan City raised a criminal suspect in a duty crime case at the Ma'anshan Detention Center.

On February 6, the case handling personnel of the Second Procuratorial Department of Bengbu Procuratorate, together with the public security detachment of Bengbu Public Security Bureau and the inspection detachment of Bengbu Market Bureau, studied and judged the clues of the case involving fake masks.

On February 14, Tian Lu, director of the second procuratorial department of the Huoqiu County Procuratorate, participated in the trial of Zhu's suspected forced trading case through the remote video system.

On February 5, an epidemic prevention card station of Yongqiao District Procuratorate in Suzhou City became a special case handling station. Through the education and guidance of Pan Yan, the prosecutor handling the case, Wang Moumou, the suspect of the case involving epidemic disease and obstruction of public service, voluntarily pleaded guilty and pleaded guilty to punishment. Under the witness of the lawyer on duty, he signed a written statement of guilty and pleading guilty to punishment.

Liang Di, a police officer of the Sixth Procuratorial Department of Suzhou Yongqiao District Procuratorate, has been sticking to his post on the 12309 procuratorial service hotline since his arrival, and is responsible for handling letters, calls and online complaints.

During the epidemic prevention and control period, a vicious intentional homicide case occurred in Yu'an District, Lu'an City. On February 11, Zhou Min (third from the right), the director of the first procuratorial department of the Yu'an District Procuratorate, arrived at the scene of the dump and intervened in advance to guide the investigation work such as identification and investigation of the scene of the crime.

On February 7, the Public Interest Litigation Department of Dangtu County Procuratorate intervened in the case of Wu Moumou's suspected sale of "three no" masks in advance. The case handling prosecutor talked with Wu Moumou who had obtained a guarantor pending trial via mobile WeChat to learn about the verified case, and also transferred his confession materials through WeChat, printed them into paper documents, and fixed the case evidence. In order to express remorse and guilt, Wu also wrote a letter of public apology in his own hand, delivered it to the prosecutor in charge, and promised to publish an apology in newspapers at or above the provincial level to eliminate social impact.

On February 5, the police of Wuhe County Procuratorate brought up the criminal suspect in the detention center.

On February 16, the prosecutor of the detention center of Huoshan County Procuratorate conducted an epidemic prevention and control tour.

On February 6, the People's Procuratorate of Huashan District, Ma'anshan City, intervened in a case of selling fake masks in advance according to law, and put forward opinions from both criminal proceedings and public interest litigation. The picture shows that the procuratorate case handlers (right) asked the police about the fake masks they had seized.

On the evening of February 10, Zhao Wenjuan, a police officer of the first procuratorial department of the Yuhui District Procuratorate in Bengbu City, worked overtime to handle cases of drug trafficking and infringement of minors' rights and interests.

In the afternoon of February 1, Tong Xin, secretary of the Second Procuratorial Department of the Langxi County Procuratorate, was receiving the case arrest report materials transferred by the public security organ.

On February 1, Liu Weixiang, a member of the Procuratorate Committee of Taihe County Procuratorate, worked overtime to review a case of suspected child molestation proposed by the public security organ for approval of arrest.

In the afternoon of February 14, Ma Jun, the prosecutor of the Third Procuratorate Department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, and Sheng Haibo, the assistant prosecutor, successfully completed the first interrogation of bribery suspects detained in Chuzhou Detention Center through remote interrogation.