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Bozhou People's Procuratorate held a press conference on criminal procuratorial work
Time: December 19, 2019 Author: News source: Supreme People's Procuratorate [Font size: large | in | Small

On the morning of December 18, a press conference on criminal procuratorial work of the People's Procuratorate of Bozhou was held to report the criminal procuratorial work of the procuratorial organ of Bozhou since 2019, the main practices and the plan to strengthen and improve the criminal procuratorial work in the next step.

Since this year, under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Procuratorate, and under the supervision of the Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee, the procuratorial organ of Bozhou City has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, earnestly implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, adhered to the absolute leadership of the Party over procuratorial work, and comprehensively implemented it The general requirements of the procuratorial work of "stressing politics, considering the overall situation, seeking development, and focusing on self-improvement", take standardization construction as the starting point, deepen reform as the driving force, and take "leading northern Anhui, first-class in the province" as the goal, based on the legal supervision function, focusing on the cultivation of first-class teams, and focusing on the improvement of case quality, criminal procuratorial work has made new progress. It has successively won honorary titles such as "National Women's Civilized Post" and "Provincial Youth Civilized Number". Eleven prosecutors, such as Xu Cuijie and Chen Qianyu, have won honorary titles such as "National Advanced Individual in Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children" and "National Expert in Criminal Appeal Business of Prosecutors".

Based on the main responsibility of legal supervision, the procuratorial organ of Bozhou City focuses on maintaining social fairness and justice, strengthening the supervision of case filing and investigation activities, and jointly handling the review and arrest cases 2595 people in 1923 cases, 4454 people in 3553 cases reviewed and prosecuted; 63 cases were put on file by the supervision and investigation organs, 48 cases were withdrawn by the supervision and investigation organs, and 46 cases of illegal investigation activities were corrected; Strengthen the supervision of trial activities, and protest against 26 cases of improper criminal judgment, such as Zhao's rape case and Yuan's traffic accident case; We strengthened the supervision of criminal execution activities, provided 610 person times of legal advice to detainees, corrected 9 miscalculations in the calculation of prison terms, handled 120 complaints and reports of detainees in accordance with the law, handled 148 cases of review of the need for custody and put forward procuratorial recommendations, and supervised the imprisonment of 16 community prisoners.

The procuratorial organ of Bozhou City severely punishes crimes involving mafia and evil in accordance with the law, maintains the stability of the overall social situation, and constantly improves its political position, strengthens its responsibility, increases its case handling efforts, and authorizes the arrest of criminal suspects of evil forces in accordance with the law, centering on the key work of special struggles such as handling major cases, breaking the net and opening umbrellas, breaking money and cutting blood, and comprehensive governance 377 people, 63 criminal suspects of underworld organizations, 383 criminal suspects of evil forces and 73 criminal suspects of underworld organizations. Wu Zhenfei, Wu Runze and others organized, led and participated in the criminal cases of underworld organizations, and Sha Ruyi, Chen Daliu and others organized and led a number of criminal cases of underworld organizations with great influence, which were prosecuted and sentenced according to law and severely punished by law.

The procuratorial organ of Bozhou City has always maintained a high pressure trend of punishing corruption, severely punishing all kinds of duty crimes according to law, and jointly reviewing and prosecuting 59 pieces and 61 people. According to the law, Yao Hui, former vice chairman of the CPPCC Huainan Municipal Committee, was prosecuted for bribery and a number of major duty crimes. We have seriously investigated and handled three cases of job-related crimes in the judicial sector, including Li Wenchao, the former vice president of the Mengcheng County Court, Lu Qianjin, the former chief of the Second Criminal Division of the Mengcheng County Court, and Zhang Ya, the former deputy director of the Mengcheng County Public Security Bureau. At present, the cases have been brought to court.

Next, under the leadership of the municipal party committee and the provincial procuratorate, the procuratorial organ of Bozhou will always adhere to the constitutional orientation and adhere to The working idea of "one goal, six unswervingly" is to comprehensively improve the level of legal supervision, fully serve to ensure economic and social development, deeply promote the special fight against crime, safeguard the construction of safe Bozhou according to law, implement the requirements of institutional reform, and steadily promote the reform of the judicial system; Accurately grasp the situation and find the right starting point for work; Strictly abide by the legal bottom line and improve the quality of cases; Strengthen supervision and improve supervision effectiveness; Strengthen team building, improve working ability, and create a safe political environment, a stable social environment, a fair legal environment, and a high-quality service environment for the "Five Modernized Development and Beautiful Bozhou Construction".


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