Local developments
Ningguo Procurator: Dredging and eliminating risks to help post disaster reconstruction
Time: August 19, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Affected by Typhoon No. 9 Lekima For several days, the production and living conditions of the people in the disaster affected areas have touched the hearts of every procuratorial police officer. On the first day after the disaster, the Ningguo Municipal Procuratorate of Xuancheng, Anhui sent flood relief teams into the vegetable community of Helixi Street and Ningdun Town in batches to support the post disaster reconstruction, highlighting the procuratorial temperature.

stand together through storm and stress

After the typhoon, everything was destroyed. In order to restore the normal production and life of the masses as soon as possible, eight month fourteen On the afternoon of November th, some policemen from the Ningguo Procuratorate went to the Heli Office to cooperate with the local post disaster reconstruction work.

The police and the masses worked together to clean up the mud on the streets where the accumulated water receded, salvaged all kinds of garbage, dead branches, obstacles, etc. in a timely manner, investigated and dredged the potential safety hazards, and helped the victims rebuild their homes. After several hours of dredging work, the streets basically resumed normal traffic. The victims also sent mineral water and other summer relief supplies to express their gratitude to the police officers with practical actions.

million people united as one man

In order to effectively carry out the rectification work after the typhoon, eight month fifteen On the morning of November th, the General Party Branch of Ningguo Procuratorate quickly organized some policemen to go to Ningdun Town to carry out post disaster relief work.

    Policemen went deep into towns and villages, went to mountain areas and low-lying areas for inspection, and cleaned up the trees and other garbage and sundries blown down by the storm to ensure that the road was smooth. With brooms, shovels, pincers and other tools in hand, we braved the heat and took active actions to clean the mud, clean the streets, pull out roadblocks and work together to restore Lekima Xiangrong Township, damaged by typhoon disaster, will do its part.

In the face of the severe disaster relief situation, the Ningguo Procuratorate will continue to carry forward the spirit of courage, continuous struggle, mutual assistance and cooperation, and stick to the front line of rescue and relief. While doing a good job in self rescue, it will invest more efforts in the post disaster reconstruction of the city. All police officers will work together to overcome the difficulties and win the final victory of flood relief.