Local developments
Fengyang, Chuzhou: carry out voluntary tree planting activities
Time: 2017-03-20 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small


Chuzhou, March 20 (reporter Wu Changzhong) Recently, the procuratorate of Fengyang County, Anhui Province organized police to carry out a voluntary tree planting activity of "building green ecology and demonstrating procuratorial style".  

On the green planting land of Dayinshan Forest Farm in the county, the policemen carried forward the spirit of hard work and selfless dedication. Two or three people formed a group, wielded shovels, worked together, dug pits, supported seedlings, filled soil, stabilized, watered..., and each process was done very carefully. After a lot of hard work, the police planted more than 100 seedlings, such as holly and crape myrtle, and planted patches of new green. Although the soil is covered with feet, and even some hands have blisters, everyone's eyes sparkle with passion for labor, and happiness is written on their faces and expressed in words. The breeze blows, and the green dots dotted on the barren slope radiate vitality in the warm spring breeze.   

The activity aims to advocate the police to establish a new trend of green civilization of "planting green, loving green, protecting green and rejuvenating green", stimulate everyone to consciously assume more social responsibilities while handling cases, and effectively improve the good social image of procuratorial organs and procuratorial police while adding a beautiful landscape to Fengyang County.