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Mengcheng, Bozhou: Four "Innovations" to Create a New Mode of Party Organizational Life
Time: July 2, 2018 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   ★ Never forget the original intention  


   Forge ahead ★  


Anhui Province Bozhou City Mengcheng County The procuratorate has always adhered to the principle of "leading team building with party building and promoting development with team building", paid close attention to "four innovations", continued to create a new mode of party organization life, vigorously promoted the deep integration of party building work and procuratorial business, and provided a strong judicial guarantee for building a beautiful Mengcheng with innovation, coordination, green, open and sharing.




Innovate the organizational form and stimulate the flexibility of organizational life






In view of the characteristics of police officers going out to deal with cases, learning and training, and great mobility of personnel, on the basis of the existing "WeChat Party branch", through WeChat, qq groups, the Internet and other major carriers, a "temporary Party branch" is established and full-time liaison officers are set up. Hold meetings at case handling points and training places according to local conditions, organize Party members to report their thoughts, case handling, learning and living conditions, guide Party members to report their personal whereabouts, contact information changes, etc. in a timely manner, and build a "bridge" for Party members to learn and communicate.




Innovate learning methods and expand education Training diversity



Adhere to the principle of "superior deployment" and "own plan" to ensure the completion of specified actions and optional actions. Adhere to the principle of "online learning" and "offline learning" going hand in hand, distinguish between post prosecutors, judicial assistants and judicial administrators, complete the courses of prosecutors' online academy respectively, and urge police officers to actively participate in the online learning of Anhui cadres education Study, regularly report and timely remind; The police concentrated on learning "one class a week", "one class a month" video lectures of Anhui Provincial People's Procuratorate and Erasure Institute have been persisting for a long time, and the branch of "quarterly party class" has formed a system by itself. Adhere to the combination of "in system" training and "out of system" training, actively send personnel to participate in various trainings organized by superior procuratorial organs and relevant departments, and continuously improve the comprehensive quality of party members, cadres and police.




Innovate the carrier of activities and create an active atmosphere for organs


Relying on picture display boards, electronic screens, prosecutorial intranet, rolling broadcast at one end of two micro platforms, real-time display of activity content, police demeanor, discipline requirements, etc., we solidly carried out theme party day activities to enrich the construction of prosecutorial culture.






Through a series of special lectures, discussions and exchanges, writing experiences, activities of "Reviewing the Oath of Joining the Party with the General Secretary", theme exchange meetings for young police officers, "micro party courses", and the theme speech contest of "Learning from the 19th National Congress and Building a Procuratorial Dream Together", the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was launched.

The Spring Festival Gala of "Entering a New Era and Entering a New Journey", the "Farewell Meeting for Transferred Personnel", the "May 4th" Sports Meeting, a series of activities for the joint construction of the police and prosecutors, and the "Monthly Suspicious Case" Analysis Meeting were held to create a strong atmosphere, show the new attitude of the procuratorial police in the new era, and drive the overall party spirit, ideological level, and moral cultivation of the party members and police in the hospital to continuously improve.




Innovate system and mechanism to ensure the advancement of Party members and cadres





Party members and leading cadres should set an example, and from top to bottom, each level should be seen by the other, and each level should lead the other. Normalization and institutionalization of inspection and supervision led by the institute leaders on duty; The leading cadres shall call the names one by one before and after the meeting; The leaders of the enrollment hospital take the lead in handling cases, handle cases according to law, and handle suspicious and complex cases; Visiting retired party members and cadres and needy party members on holidays; Participate in pair aid, straw burning ban and legal publicity, and set an example for all police officers. Formulate and improve the Party building assessment system, refine responsibilities, refine scores, implement rewards and punishments, correspond to the evaluation of excellence, link with the distribution of performance bonuses, and link with personal growth and progress, constantly enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grass-roots Party organizations, and truly form a vivid situation in which top and bottom work together to focus on Party building.


Anhui Procuratorate new media Production