"I write a few sentences for the government work report" activity netizens' suggestions

From November 29 to December 28, 2023, the political research office of the provincial government launched the activity of "I write a few sentences for the government work report", which attracted wide attention and positive response from netizens. We deeply feel that the netizens are enthusiastic and confident about the future development of Anhui, and many of their suggestions are practical and insightful, which is of great value to the drafting of the Government Work Report. On January 3, 2024, Governor Wang Qingxian hosted a symposium to solicit opinions and suggestions on the provincial Government Work Report and government work. Zheng Guofeng, a netizen representative from Fuyang, was invited to attend. On the morning of January 23, the second session of the 14th Provincial People's Congress was grandly opened, and the "Report on the Work of the Government" by Wang Qingxian, governor of the province, was unanimously praised by the deputies to the provincial People's Congress and members of the provincial CPPCC.

According to the opinions collected from netizens, the content mainly focuses on the three major sectors of people's livelihood construction, rural revitalization and regional coordination, as well as industrial development, reform and opening up, ecological environmental protection and many other aspects. We have combed them one by one, analyzed the common problems and deep-seated reasons, and combined with the implementation of the Central Committee's decision deployment and the annual work arrangement of the provincial party committee and provincial government, It shall be fully reflected through guiding requirements and operational measures as far as possible. For example, Geng Yonglong and other netizens on "supporting the development of northern Anhui", Chen Kai and other netizens on "strengthening the construction of business environment", Sun Ning and other netizens on "strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of flexible employees" and so on, the provincial Government Work Report has made special arrangements and put forward clear requirements in the work in 2024. In view of the extensive coverage and limited space of the Report, some specific infrastructure projects and the periodic goals of improving people's livelihood have not been included. We have contacted the relevant provincial departments, and if conditions are ripe, we will arrange the annual work, and further strengthen the investigation and research. We take each of your suggestions seriously. Here, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the netizens for their active participation!

Your aspiration for a better life is the goal of the government. The Spring Festival is coming. I wish you all good health, happy family and prosperous career in the new year!