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China Railway and MCC Jointly Open the Era of Deep Integration of 3D Printing Technology and Equipment Manufacturing

Time: 2018-08-31 09:47:51 Source: Author:

On August 22, the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation agreement between Beijing Chongjian Company of MCC Group and China Railway Engineering Equipment Group was held in Beijing.

According to the agreement, Beijing Chongjian and China Railway Equipment will carry out all-round cooperation in 3D printing in the fields of underground utility tunnel, river channel dredging and treatment, tunnel support concrete, green coverage of bare soil and other fields, forming a normal interaction in market development, engineering construction, technology research and development, equipment manufacturing, technical services and other businesses. The cooperation between the two parties starts from the multi-functional 3D printing technology of construction debris, It will also extend to other fields and create a new era of green development in the construction and manufacturing industries. This also means that China Railway Industry has become the first central enterprise to introduce 3D printing concrete technology into equipment manufacturing.

Beijing Chongjian and China Railway Equipment will establish a high-level linkage and docking mechanism, coordinate and promote matters, jointly establish a research team, regularly exchange information, achieve the sharing of advantageous resources, and give full play to their respective advantages, innovate the cooperation model, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Li Jianbin, general manager of China Railway Industry, believes that the cooperative research and development of 3D printing equipment is actually an innovation of construction methods. This subversive technology research and development can improve the problem of large amount of mortar and serious pollution in tunnel construction in the past, and change the existing production mode, which is more important. He hopes that China Railway Equipment and Beijing Chongjian can work together, innovate, and cooperate sincerely, so that the equipment The construction method was introduced to the market and became the first "printer" of underground space in China, benefiting mankind.

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