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Life gives me suffering, and I will repay it with singing -- On the life story of young Yang Hongqiang who sings with life

Time: 2018-08-24 15:34:23 Source: Author:

Respected host, teachers and audience friends:

Today, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you the life story of singing the song of youth (Yang Hongqiang) with life.

Speaking of a singer, people generally associate it with dazzling spotlight, beautiful stage, colorful flowers, warm applause... These may be right, but only a few singers can be so lucky. It can be said that most singers have actually experienced various hardships and even experienced many vicissitudes.

Today, I would like to tell you the story of Yang Hongqiang, a Dali singer who has gone through many vicissitudes of life and still remains true to his original intention.

I am a typical singer who has experienced various hardships. Life is like a director. Although my suffering is not the most complete version at present, it is already impressive enough.

There are two main lines in my life, one is about suffering and the other is about singing. So, behind the suffering, how did you grow into a singer? And why have you always been keen on singing? Why is it that the more frustrated, the more energetic, never forget the original intention, and seize any opportunity to hone their singing talent? After suffering from incurable disease, still insist on singing with life?

1、 A miserable birth

The story begins with a picture. The photo is the most complete group photo of me with my mother and sisters so far, and also the only photo of me before I was 12 years old.

About time: The photo was taken in early 1976.

About people: In the middle of the picture is my mother, who was born in the 1940s at the age of three when both her parents died. Her mother's brother and sister-in-law were extremely cruel, and her mother lived a miserable and miserable life. When he was 17 years old, he was married by several elder brothers and sisters in law and expelled. The elder brother and sister-in-law abused their mother and refused to let her go to school to help them take care of their children and work as laborers, so the mother still cannot read or even listen to Mandarin. The mother in the photo is in her 30s, with a straight waist and a resolute expression on her mouth. I am the baby who is held tightly in my arms for several months.

I have five sisters above me, and I originally had a brother, ranking sixth. I am the seventh in my family.

After seeing the characters in the photos, people naturally have questions. The characters in the photos seem to be missing. What seems to be missing? By the way, the master of this big family is not in it, so where is he? And why do you have this picture? What is the purpose of this picture? At that time, photography was so luxurious and unattainable for us. Who is the host? What does he do? Why isn't he in the picture? How is his relationship with our sister and brother? Where did he go? These questions hidden behind the photos are actually the most important part of the story. The answer is that the man who does not appear in the photo is my father. He is the main source of trouble that caused our brothers and sisters' childhood suffering and even tampered with the subject of our life destiny, and is also the direct reason that I have been unable to sing father's songs so far.

Fifteen days before I was born, my father, who had always been wandering and irresponsible and never cared about his children and family, ran away from home. Has not returned. (The fact is that he is still alive.) This is the birth of my suffering. The picture at the beginning of the story was taken by my mother in preparation for my father's return.

2、 Gray childhood

Due to the father's unknown departure and the lack of father's protection, our sister and brother are regarded as heterogeneous by children of the same age, and are regarded as inferior people who are available to everyone. My mother is too busy to survive. My sisters and I are always bullied by children of the same age or older, even other adults, when adults are not present. My sisters and I live in a gloomy environment both physically and psychologically. The main color of childhood is gray or even black. It is not easy for a mother to support the family of seven alone. She has no energy to care for children, and is unable to fight against discrimination and abuse from all aspects. In more than seven years of childhood, our brothers and sisters were very sensible and obedient, sharing responsibilities for our mothers within our ability. At that time, we looked forward to the warmth and strong protection from my father, but my father had never heard from us.

3、 The hardships of life

At that time, even in any era, in any country, in the countryside, a mother who can support six children by herself must be an extraordinary woman. My mother is such a great woman.

In the era when the work point system was implemented in the countryside, only the mother of seven people in the family was a full laborer. The work points earned were not enough, and they often could not distribute enough food. They could not eat several full meals a year. You could not imagine how hard it was to eat, drink, dress, feed, live and travel. But the more serious difficulty than material poverty is the spiritual suffering, which comes from all aspects of physical and mental torture.

4、 The only sunshine in childhood

In my childhood, the main color was basically gray or even black. The only bright color comes from singing. Because the mother has to keep the whole family fed and clothed to earn farm work, she has little time to take care of children. Children who are unusually sensible and independent only take care of each other. I was the youngest at home and was taken care of by several sisters to go to school on their backs. On one occasion, in class, the teacher taught many times to sing, and many students could not sing. I was about three years old and was carried to school by my sister, and I was able to clearly sing the songs taught by the teacher. The talent of singing was initially discovered. Later, they were often taken to the fields by adults to sing songs for them, and occasionally rewarded by the elders with some boiled corn, baked sweet potatoes, a piece of "luxury" sugar

5、 A turn of fortune

As always, the hard life is pressed like a mountain. The heavier the pressure, the more eager the people are to pursue a better life. I witnessed my mother's hardships when I was young. In my heart, the only way to change my destiny is to study hard and strive for self-improvement. In order to reduce the burden on my family during the middle school entrance examination, I chose a normal school that can apply for early employment. In the middle school entrance examination, the students ranked first in vocal music Dali prefecture, first in instrumental music county, and top in cultural courses, and were admitted to the art teacher class of Dali Normal School, which only enrolls students once every three years (and each county is limited to one student). He was selected by Dali Seventh Complete Primary School to stay in the school and become a qualified people's teacher due to his excellent character and learning.

6、 Frustration on the way to join the army

In order to constantly pursue the cause of singing, I am not satisfied with my limited education in art. By chance, I heard that the Battle Flag Song and Dance Troupe of the Chengdu Military Region wanted to recruit singing soldiers, and resolutely resigned from the people's teaching profession to actively enroll in the army. After being selected at all levels, he entered the army with the dream of becoming a literary and artistic soldier. However, due to the complex situation of personnel relations in some areas within the army at that time, the number of singers in the art troupe was replaced. At the time of assignment, he was assigned to the secret service company of the artillery force headquarters (in his spare time, he served as the song instructor of each company). During his service in the army, he won the title of excellent soldier with the spirit of hard work and self-improvement and cultural knowledge, and was recommended to apply for military colleges and universities. The result of the examination was admitted to Changsha Political College with the first place in the military area command. At that time, some undesirable phenomena of giving gifts for promotion by pulling relationships occurred from time to time. When I was studying in the military academy, my cadre and student qualifications were replaced again, and I was farther and farther away from my favorite singing career. Finally, I applied for changing jobs and returned to Dali to become a government worker of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. At this point, it seems that there has been a happy ending and the story can end.

However, sometimes life is really a grim director full of "inspiration" and suspense. The director prepared a bigger, more painful and more difficult story for me later.

7、 Illness is coming

At the age of 37, I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre syndrome. At present, I am the fourth case diagnosed in Yunnan Province. (The previous three cases all died) This is a rare disease, with only one case occurring in every 300000 people (the prevalence rate has now increased by 1/100000). Because of their rarity, many doctors have never seen or even heard of them. Many patients are treated as other diseases because they cannot be diagnosed. Most of them have died due to improper treatment or missing precious time. The complexity of my illness has also led to my misdiagnosis. I am unfortunate and lucky. After repeated misdiagnosis, excessive drug treatment and hormone injection have led to the death of life, which is in imminent danger. The limbs are weak and unable to move, the whole body is aching and unable to sleep, the whole body is unable to swallow food and water, the whole body is numb and the paralyzed muscles begin to atrophy and can not walk down. Myasthenia gravis occurs. Inflammation of spinal cord, dyspnea of larynx and atrophy of voice, resulting in constipation and inability to excrete, and finally leading to incontinence of urine and urine and language dysfunction and inability to speak, brain stem cells of facial paralysis patients are severely damaged, memory is reduced, IQ is reduced and they cannot remember things, because of the previous misdiagnosis and improper treatment, cornea dryness will not secrete lacrimal gland vision blurred, resulting in blindness for more than 40 days! After several twists and turns, I arrived at Beijing Tiantan Hospital. Professor Zhang Xinghu from Tiantan Hospital accurately diagnosed my condition and formulated a scientific and effective treatment plan. Only after the diagnosis did we know the rarity and fearfulness of this disease. If it exceeds the best treatment period of three months, it will not be able to restore the power of heaven. The disease will lead to limb paralysis, trunk muscle paralysis, cerebral palsy, sensory disorders and even multiple complications until death. The high rate of death and disability is especially frightening. This disease can also cause nerve pain that can pierce the bone marrow, causing acute spinal cord sheath demyelination, unable to sleep all night long, the physiological function is destroyed, the brain can not command the body, and the complications are the most extreme outbreak in my body. In the process of fighting against this rare devil, experts from Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Beijing Boai Hospital, Beijing Xuanwu Hospital, Navy General Hospital, Air Force General Hospital, Beijing Hospital, Tongren Hospital, Guang'anmen Hospital and various famous hospitals in Beijing all treated me with the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. The mind and body have gone through the purgatory of the soul, brain puncture, lumbar puncture, and vertebral disc surgery. There are 17 kinds of treatment and rehabilitation methods in a day. There are many treatments. The body and mind are exhausted but can't give up... Even if you want to turn over in bed more than a year after illness, you need to mobilize the strength of all your limbs and organs, It takes more than an hour to flip from left to right. In recent years, treatment has been needed every year, and Chinese and western medicines are constantly used. Every year, we have to go to Beijing for further treatment. Because of the complications associated with the sequelae and hormone medication, calcification and paralysis in the bed make us unable to walk. Finally, in 2016, we had another operation for degenerative lumbar disc herniation and nerve compression, which is still in the rehabilitation stage. More than 800000 yuan was spent at one's own expense before and after the treatment fee, which brought great economic burden. And now they are still taking medicine continuously.

This is a picture before illness:

This is a picture during the illness:

This is a photo taken during treatment and restorative exercise:

8、 Sing with life

The disease continued to rage, but the singing did not stop. In the scorching summer days of Beijing, I still tried to visit and consult various music teachers and even the teachers of the Central Conservatory of Music with my desire for life and love for singing (because my throat muscle atrophy and loss of voice need rehabilitation treatment) after treating my illness. When I practiced repeatedly, I recovered while training. Sometimes, I fainted due to lack of brain oxygen supply, and my eyes remained blurred. As a result of continuous singing practice, the vocal cord and larynx language function and even the whole body function were recovered gradually after serious illness by means of singing rehabilitation. Until now, the facial expression is still stiff, numb, itchy and tingling.

Without singing, my life would be gloomy; Without singing, my life would be boring. Singing brings me health, brings me happiness from my heart, and lets me find myself; Singing keeps me young and fresh. I love singing, and I am grateful for singing. I am grateful for this beautiful era. Although I am seriously ill, I am willing to endure all the pain and continue to sing. The doctor saved my life. Life is a new one for me. I will sing about the hard won future with this new life.

For me, no music, no life, no music, no life!

Life gives me suffering, and I will return with singing; Life goes on, singing goes on... Friends say that this young man who survived the disaster is strong enough to run in the sunshine and rain. My friends often say that I bring them wit, humor, talent and full of positive energy!

This is me, singing the life story of young people with my life.



In 2018, the first Singing China Singer Competition passed the competition in each competition area, and the winners from each competition area passed the test, achieved real singing level, won excellent results, and was recognized by the instructor. The national finals were held in Beijing in August 2018, recorded by the Singing China program group, and broadcast in the prime time of Jilin Satellite TV.

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The first Singing China Singer Competition will be held nationwide! Our goal: to find a powerful singer without controversy, scandal and stain, and become a signed singer of Singing China! Come with us to complete the great mission of spreading classics and promoting the theme in the new era! At present, Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and Jiangxi have taken the lead in launching

Yang Hongqiang, a strong singer and inspirational singer from Yunnan, won the recognition of the tutors by virtue of his excellent singing skills, and was pleased to be qualified to participate in the finals in Beijing. Yesterday, he arrived in Beijing, breaking the mountain and climbing the peak, and flying his dream. We will forge ahead for our singing career, expect to compete for good results, surpass our dreams, and let our dreams blossom.







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