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Culture "dedication and friendliness" - Tongzi Power Supply Bureau held the second session of the new era theme moral lecture activity

Time: 2018-09-06 16:53:44 Source: Author:

In the afternoon of September 3, in order to carry forward the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, and spread the positive energy of the enterprise, Tongzi Power Supply Bureau carried out a moral lecture activity with the theme of "dedication and friendship". More than 40 people, including Li Shilong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Bureau, new employees, in-service employees, and party representatives, participated in the activity.

Figure: Activity site

A song "Love Each Other" opened the curtain of this moral lecture. We watched the video of the advanced deeds of the "Line Patrol Team with Backs Walking through Mountains", and learned their determination to take root at the grass-roots level, work hard, explore bravely, and innovate. Finally, we collectively read the contents of socialist core values. The newly recruited employee expressed his understanding and said: "The original intention is the ambition of the new employee, or the solemn vow under the party flag. In the future work or life, he will be a person who never forgets his original intention, is loyal and dedicated, and will make positive contributions to the development of the power industry". Many employees on the site have expressed that they want to follow the model workers in their future work, love each other and strive to become professional and technical experts. Light up thousands of families with original intention, and let the brightness warm people's hearts.

Figure: Sharing insights

This moral lecture activity, through six links of "singing songs", "learning from models", "reciting classics", "talking about feelings", "making comments" and "giving kindness", takes dedication and friendliness as the starting point, and proposes that everyone constantly improve their work style, establish a sense of love and dedication, and create a working atmosphere of mutual respect, care, help, harmony and friendship, Good results have been achieved.

Figure: Employees receive benevolent gifts

Chief Editor: He Yu

By: Liu Zhenghua, Zhou Bing

Picture: Lin Li

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