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Time: 2018-09-18 08:29:47 Source: Author:

Asia Europe Network The membership channel has been opened. You can apply for registration on the home page by yourself. After the review, you can send your own articles by saving 1000 yuan in advance. 10 yuan will be deducted for each article, and 100 articles can be sent by 1000 yuan. The number of articles in a year is basically enough. You just need to click "Purchase" to recharge. Promote as you want! Self service promotion release! It's very convenient

Asia Europe Network( )It is a professional advisory team composed of senior diplomats, economists, famous international experts, energy experts, scholars and entrepreneurs. To meet the development needs of China's economy and energy strategy, we should strengthen economic information exchange. In view of the international economic situation, energy policy, international economic relations, energy diplomacy in key regions, the macro environment for economic information investment, and China's economy and energy strategy and policies, It is a global economic portal for research and information exchange.

The Asia Europe Network is exclusively operated by Beijing Pan Energy Cultural Media Co., Ltd., formerly known as the Asia Europe Energy Network. Relying on powerful databases and information resources, with the purpose of "integrating global economic information and promoting the harmonious development of all industries", it has established Asia Europe coal network, power network, oil network, gas network, new energy network, low-carbon network and other industry websites; In the future, it will open the Asia Europe Steel Network, Asia Europe Communication Information Network, Asia Europe Agriculture Network and other industry vertical websites, as well as a collection and distribution center that collects global economic technology, policies, data statistics, technological innovation, market analysis, data download, industry information and international economic dynamic analysis and other relevant industry data. It also has the Asia Europe Energy Research Center and the Asia Europe Energy Club, an industry high-end business platform that gathers information on energy research and market business cooperation.

ASEM transmits the latest economic information in various fields at home and abroad to various industries, enterprises and institutions, large and medium-sized enterprises, international multinational companies and organizations in the global economy, tracks cutting-edge technologies and hot spot developments in the industry, interprets economic policies and current events of various countries, and spreads global economic information; Display, exchange and interaction, and tell the legend of economic innovation wealth;

The Asia Europe Energy Research Center is a professional industry information research institution in the energy field registered by relevant national departments, whose research fields cover coal, electricity, petroleum, chemical industry, traditional thermal power, gas, new energy (including hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, solar photovoltaic power generation, new energy vehicles, tidal energy, biomass energy, etc.), shale oil and gas, coal to oil Low carbon (carbon emissions, low carbon buildings, environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, low carbon cities, etc.), energy reserves, energy equipment market, etc.

The Center relies on a senior expert consultant team composed of senior diplomats, famous international experts, scholars and entrepreneurs who have worked in senior energy resource countries, reliable, rich and comprehensive industrial databases, professional research networks, government departments, industry associations, the International Energy Organization, embassies in China and other multi-channel and multi-level data sources, Provide customers with professional market research and analysis in the energy field, investment project evaluation, market trend prediction and industry research; Organize energy academic exchanges, hold international and domestic energy seminars, undertake research topics from government departments and energy enterprises, organize private energy and public relations operations, provide decision-making advice for the development of energy enterprises, and serve China's energy security and development.

The Asia Europe Energy Club under construction is an unofficial green energy club born in the low-carbon wave under the Asia Europe Energy Network. It provides a one-to-one communication platform for domestic and foreign energy organizations, enterprises and individuals. We welcome all energy enterprises and institutions from all countries to join us and make greater contributions to the development of market research in the energy field.

Asia Europe Network has a stake in Haoshengyin Tea Food (Fujian) Co., Ltd. The joint-stock company owns a 120 mu Haoshengyin agricultural tourism and sightseeing park under construction, and plans to build a four-star hotel, business tourism hall and corresponding supporting facilities. The Haoshengyin tea produced by the company has been exported to both inside and outside the province, and has its own independent ecological tea garden, processing plant and research and development team.

For the better development of the company, Haoshengyin Tea Food (Fujian) Co., Ltd. cooperated to establish Zhongjian Haoshengyin (Fujian) Co., Ltd. in 2013, and at the same time established the Fujian Film and Television Base of the Film and Television Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, preparing to shoot five outstanding films, including The Crime of Blood and The Crime of X, which were the works collection of He Jiahong, the former deputy director of the dereliction of duty department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. At the same time, it acquired and signed the cast of Youth Defense and the actors of the troupe. The company is approaching the enterprise dream of circular development ecological chain integrating new agricultural tourism, sightseeing, leisure, film and television creation, and deep processing of agricultural products.

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