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Wow! The great event in Hunan, this [beautiful scenery] actually originated from "Yancheng"

Time: August 26, 2018 13:34:12 Source: Author:

There is a famous cultural city with a long history and beautiful scenery in the middle reaches of the winding Xiangjiang River and the south of Hengshan Mountain, where the five mountains are unique. She is Hengyang, known as "beauty in the world" and "pearl in the south of the Yangtze River". It is said that "the wild geese in the north fly to the south, and then stop to return", so it is also called "Yancheng";

Hengyang is a magical land full of vitality and hope. She has a long and splendid history and culture, superior geographical location, perfect infrastructure and extremely rich natural resources;

Hengyang is a place full of hope. The wind blows from all sides of the Eight Treasures Land, which is a good opportunity for the ancient city for thousands of years

Event Introduction

The "International Supermodel Competition" was founded by the International Supermodel Competition Organization (ISCO) and Meiya International Capital, and co sponsored by the International Model Association. It is one of the most influential model competitions with brand appeal in the world. The competition produces China's top model, top ten model and top 100 supermodels every year, which is known as the "cradle of China's new supermodels" in the industry and represents the highest level of China's model selection contest. The event strives to tap the needs of all levels and business forms of the runway and graphic models, and through competition training, image packaging, and event experience, to build them into first-line supermodels that the market really needs, to deliver outstanding talents to the Chinese fashion industry and model industry, and to make more Chinese faces appear in the world supermodels;

In order to accelerate the development of Hunan's economy and culture, and fully demonstrate the natural, historical, humanistic and ecological beauty of Hunan, we have applied and passed the screening of the Organizing Committee of the 2018 International Supermodel Contest at all levels, and hereby decided to hold the selection of the 2018 International Supermodel Contest in Hunan Province, which is "Beautiful Blooming, Featured Hunan", Hunan Competition Area is authorized to be undertaken by Hunan Weiai Film Television Culture Media Co., Ltd;

The Organizing Committee of Hunan Competition Area has made corresponding reforms to the previous competition system and selection criteria. In addition to promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional civilization and Chinese traditional culture in the competition system and selection criteria, it has actively made due contributions to the healthy and sustainable development of the culture and tourism industry in Hunan.

In order to standardize the operation of the competition and effectively protect the brand of the competition, both the "International Super Model Competition" and the "Star Model World" have been registered and certified by the State Trademark Office and the Intellectual Property Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It shows the determination of the competition organizing committee to communicate with brand events, protect brand events, and build brand events.

The competition advocates the theme of "international supermodel, charming China", and the purpose of "healthy and progressive, pioneering and innovative" to show the "cultivation and image" of oriental women through the competition. The competition selects excellent female representatives who are both talented and good-looking, full of love and positive. Through them, beauty, peace, friendship and love will be spread and carried forward worldwide.

"Beauty economy" means "eyeball economy". In the brand competition era of "attention is sales", it is an important trend of marketing development to attract eyeballs with beautiful women. The reason why business women are the spokespersons of the industry is that they can not only interpret the beauty, vitality and trend of the industry, but also have irresistible attraction and appeal to people. The 2012 International Supermodel Competition was strongly settled in Hunan, setting off a beautiful storm and sweeping the news; The 2018 International Supermodel Contest, once again in Hunan, will continue to pass on the legend, and expand this event to cooperate with the real estate, automobile, clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, tourism, hotels and other industries for mutual benefit with customers, to jointly enhance the brand and create beautiful values.

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