A5 Self discipline Convention of Trading Platform


I General

In order to build a clear, harmonious, green and healthy network environment, maintain the civilized order of the network, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, A5 The trading platform is based on and implements the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Cyber Security Law of the People's Republic of China《 Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Relevant laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, and the Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content, as well as the management policies of the competent departments, are jointly formulated with users《 A5 transaction Platform Self discipline Convention (hereinafter referred to as "this Convention").

2、 The platform advocates the following behaviors

one )Jointly participate in the construction of network civilization, produce content works that conform to the national policy, serve the overall situation of economic and social development, reflect the trend of development of the times, and reflect the achievements of building a powerful country, so as to gather strength for the construction of a modern powerful country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

two )To jointly establish an equal and friendly public opinion atmosphere and respect other users on the platform. Care for minors, care for the elderly and respect gender equality; Do not attack, abuse, insult, slander, discriminate against others, or infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;

three )Encourage users to publish original and high-quality content, pay attention to the correct use of words, reduce the use of acronyms and other expressions that are likely to cause ambiguity, and consciously abide by language specifications;

four Advocate users to publish positive, healthy and progressive content, eliminate the dissemination of content without scientific demonstration, and advocate users Don't spread rumors, don't believe rumors, Jointly build Qinglang Network Home;

five )Before the first use, the user needs to pass the authentication of real identity information, properly keep the account information, reasonably use the account permissions, and not lend or transfer the user account in any way. The platform promises to ensure the security of users' personal information and standardize data processing activities;

six )It is suggested that users should improve their awareness of network security and be alert to online friends, induced gambling, loans, rebates, winning prizes, online part-time reviewers and other areas and behaviors with high incidence of online fraud. If any abnormality is found, it can be lifted to the platform at any time Newspaper.

3、 The platform prohibits the following behaviors

The content released by users shall comply with the Network Security Law《 Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services 》、《 Regulations on Ecological Governance of Network Information Content 》And other laws and regulations, shall not publish or disseminate information containing the following contents:

(1) Illegal information endangering national and social security

one Opposing the basic principles set forth in the Constitution;

two Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

three Damage to national honor and interests;

four Distortioning, vilifying, blaspheming or denying the deeds and spirit of the heroic martyrs, or infringing upon their names, portraits, reputation or honor by insulting, slandering or other means;

five Publicizing terrorism and extremism or inciting terrorist and extremist activities;

six Inciting national hatred and discrimination, and undermining national unity;

seven Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition;

eight Spreading rumors and disturbing economic and social order;

nine Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

ten Insult or slander others, and infringe upon others' reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests;

eleven Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

(2) Destroy the network civilization ecology and other bad information

one The use of exaggerated titles, the content of which is seriously inconsistent with the title;

two Hyping scandals, scandals, bad deeds, etc;

three Improperly commenting on natural disasters, major accidents and other disasters;

four Those with sexual suggestion, sexual provocation, etc. that are easy to make people have sexual associations;

five Showing bloody, thrilling, cruel and other causes physical and mental discomfort;

six Inciting crowd discrimination, regional discrimination, etc;

seven Publicizing vulgar, vulgar and kitsch contents;

eight It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors, violate social morality, and induce minors' bad habits;

nine Other contents that have adverse effects on the network ecology.

(3) Breach of social morality and other dishonest behaviors

one Infringe the right of reputation, privacy, patent, trademark and other legitimate rights and interests of others;

two Publish, transmit and disseminate rumors, false information or other content containing false information;

three Release malicious speculation and misinterpretation of platform specifications;

four Fabricate, falsely use another person's identity or release information in the name of company name, brand, trademark not legally owned or held by itself;

five Use any abnormal means to obtain, including but not limited to, comments, forwarding, likes and other false data cheating.

4、 Protection of minors

If you are not full eighteen For minors aged one year old, you should carefully read this Convention under the guidance of your guardian, and use the platform only with the consent of your guardian. If you have not obtained the guardian's consent, the guardian can contact the platform to handle the relevant account, and the platform has the right to restrict the functions of the relevant account (including but not limited to browsing, publishing information, interactive communication, etc.). We will work together with our guardians to protect the physical and mental health of minors. If you are the guardian, you should also perform the guardianship obligation for minors, pay attention to the online safety of minors, guide minors to use the network reasonably, develop good online habits, and avoid indulging in virtual cyberspace.

The platform will actively perform its obligations, protect the rights and interests of minors, commit to ensuring the safety and health of minors on the platform, and prohibit anyone from abusing, injuring Any act that endangers or maliciously uses minors or instills wrong values into minors is strictly prohibited for users to publish and forward the following contents that affect, endanger and induce the physical and mental health of minors:

(I) Information content with sexual suggestion, sexual provocation and other information content easy to make people have sexual association;

(II) Display bloody, thrilling, cruel and other information that causes physical and mental discomfort;

(III) Information content that publicizes vulgar, vulgar and kitsch content;

(IV) Information content that may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors, violate social morality, and induce minors' bad habits;

(V) Other contents that affect, endanger and induce the safety and physical and mental health of minors.

V Platform management mode

A5 The trading platform provides users with unimpeded channels for reporting and complaining about infringement. If users find illegal or harmful information or content infringing personal rights, they can report and complain through the platform. The platform will five Feedback on disposal progress within working days. The specific operation is "reporting and complaining through the contact information at the bottom of the page or the customer service dialogue on the side bar to contact the platform official".

For violations of this Convention, A5 The trading platform will take measures, including but not limited to limiting the user account authority, deleting or blocking the illegal content, blocking the illegal user account, and notify the illegal user. If you have any objection to the disposal measures, you can pass   Appeal to us. In case of repeated violations of this Convention or adverse effects, we will report to the competent authorities according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

VI Effectiveness and changes

This Convention shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation. If there are any questions, opinions or suggestions, they can be passed   Contact us.

In the process of implementing the standard, we will constantly improve and update this Convention in light of the actual situation, and publish it in the form of announcement. Please pay attention to it in a timely manner.