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 How to make websites support https access and make browsers mark as secure
technical knowledge How to make websites support https access and make browsers mark as secure

2018-09-07 View( )

Nowadays, https is the trend, and many places need to force the use of https. For example, the network request of WeChat applet, web view, etc. all need the target url to support https access. So how can the website support https access? You only need to do two things:
 How long does the WeChat applet wx.setStorage expire?
technical knowledge How long does the WeChat applet wx.setStorage expire?

2018-09-07 View( )

At present, the cache data obtained by WeChat applet wx.setStorage is persistent, not permanent. Once obtained, there will be a client, unless the applet is actively destroyed or deleted from the client. It means that you delete this applet from the list of WeChat found applets
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