2015 - 01

day one two three four five six
one two three
four Long Legged Dad Type: leisure five GREG Type: leisure six punch quest Type: parkour seven Tiny Wings Type: parkour eight Jump! Type: leisure nine Origami Hero Type: leisure ten
eleven twelve Only One Types: actions thirteen Move 24 Type: puzzle fourteen Hero Pop Type: Elimination fifteen Battleship girl Type: Card sixteen knightmare tower Type: parkour seventeen
eighteen nineteen 1+2=3 Type: puzzle twenty Treasure Yard Type: Elimination twenty-one sine wave Type: Music twenty-two 2049 Cat is coming Type: Elimination twenty-three Wind blowing war police Types: actions twenty-four
twenty-five twenty-six One wheel riding Types: actions twenty-seven Block solar system Type: leisure twenty-eight Werewolf Tycoon Types: actions twenty-nine Shades Type: Elimination thirty Projection truth-seeking Type: puzzle thirty-one
one two Miner Z Type: leisure three Permanent balance Type: leisure four Machinarium Type: solving puzzles five Deadly Framework Type: solving puzzles six Great master Type: Card seven
eight nine Magic drawing Type: leisure ten Mystery of the Sky Type: leisure eleven Leo's Fortune Type: leisure twelve Game Evolution History Type: RPG thirteen Dance of the Three Kingdoms Type: Card fourteen
fifteen Bird, run away Type: leisure sixteen Six engine revolver Types: actions seventeen Midnight Star Type: shooting eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one
twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five Dead pixels Type: leisure twenty-six Radical triangle Type: leisure twenty-seven Jelly Jump Type: leisure twenty-eight Card Cute Beast Type: parkour
one two Magic touch Type: Elimination three Curse the world adventure Type: solving puzzles four Henri Anli Type: leisure five 3D Rubik's Cube Elimination Type: Elimination six Devil fragment Type: Elimination seven
eight nine I like being with you Type: parkour ten Okay? Type: puzzle eleven Under the sun Type: puzzle twelve The last astronaut Type: parkour thirteen SUM IDEA Type: puzzle fourteen
fifteen sixteen Revenge fighter Type: shooting seventeen Green Planet Type: leisure eighteen aa Type: leisure nineteen Explore planets Type: Music twenty Mr Jump Type: parkour twenty-one
twenty-two twenty-three Flix! Type: puzzle twenty-four Contact cancellation Type: Elimination twenty-five Long Legged Father and Son Type: leisure twenty-six Cardinals Type: fighting twenty-seven Cat Collection Type: nurturance twenty-eight
twenty-nine thirty Snowball Type: leisure thirty-one OLYM Type: Elimination
one Little Heroes Type: Policy two Stupid sausage Type: leisure three Ejection torus Type: puzzle four
five six Rocket somersault Type: parkour seven Block shooting Type: leisure eight Logical dot Type: puzzle nine Form a line Type: puzzle ten New Fairy Sword Legend 3D Type: Card eleven
twelve thirteen Gun Cat Type: leisure fourteen Fantasy War Mage Type: Card fifteen 1010! Type: puzzle sixteen Smove Type: leisure seventeen PATHZ Type: puzzle eighteen
nineteen twenty Twisty Hollow Type: leisure twenty-one Brainstorm Type: puzzle twenty-two Lethal Express Type: parkour twenty-three Regular relay Type: Elimination twenty-four Rocket Captain Type: parkour twenty-five
twenty-six twenty-seven Refuse to work Type: leisure twenty-eight Underground City Lianmeng Type: Elimination twenty-nine Shadow War Type: Policy thirty Jump pixels Type: parkour
one two
three four Crazy block elimination Type: Elimination five Zen straight line Type: parkour six seven Bomb disposal expert Type: leisure eight nine
ten eleven Quality brick making 2 Type: leisure twelve Angry Birds Fighting Type: Elimination thirteen Come to the circle Type: leisure fourteen Coastal Warfare Type: Elimination fifteen Blacksmith infatuation 2 Type: Elimination sixteen
seventeen eighteen Wedding Escape Song Type: Elimination nineteen Cute little monster Type: Elimination twenty Tofu Hunter Type: shooting twenty-one Baji Cat Type: leisure twenty-two Rainbow Run Type: parkour twenty-three
twenty-four twenty-five Headrace Type: racing car twenty-six Brick bouncing Type: Elimination twenty-seven Hundred generals Type: Card twenty-eight Ice Age: Avalanche Type: Elimination twenty-nine Wonderful warmth Type: replacement thirty
one Bucket Zombie Type: Elimination two Rotating shock wave Type: leisure three Tom and Jerry Type: parkour four Happy Farm: Harvest Exchange Type: Elimination five Hyperactive block Type: leisure six
seven eight Bad people Type: Card nine Anger of power Type: Arcade ten Luo Xiaohei Eliminates Type: Elimination eleven Blade Cool Run Type: parkour twelve Quetzalcoatl Type: puzzle thirteen
fourteen fifteen Matchmaker Alliance Types: actions sixteen seventeen eighteen Dragon Storm Types: actions nineteen Dragon Leap Type: leisure twenty
twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three Downhill Riders Type: parkour twenty-four Lava skateboard adventure Type: parkour twenty-five March forward courageously Type: parkour twenty-six New Fairy Sword Legend of Chivalry (stand-alone) Type: RPG twenty-seven
twenty-eight twenty-nine arrow Type: leisure thirty
one Re ring (∞) Type: puzzle two Dead Ahead Type: parkour three Profiled factory Type: shooting four
five six Color capture Type: leisure seven Stack Hero Type: leisure eight Bouncing Blocks Type: leisure nine Synchronous Melody Mewsec Type: Music ten Ghost Ninja Type: parkour eleven
twelve thirteen Brainstorm Type: puzzle fourteen 1010! World Type: Elimination fifteen The Three Kingdoms of Light are unparalleled Types: actions sixteen Zoological Administrator vs War Version Type: Elimination seventeen eighteen
nineteen twenty Forest House Type: puzzle twenty-one Rush down the mountain Type: leisure twenty-two Fantasy Shooting 2 Type: shooting twenty-three Revolution Type: leisure twenty-four My brother is a superhero Type: leisure twenty-five
twenty-six twenty-seven Special forces: surprise attack Type: Arcade twenty-eight Ink dyeing Type: leisure twenty-nine World X World Types: actions thirty Let the pig go Type: leisure thirty-one Cloud Path Type: leisure
two three Diamond Adventures Type: leisure four Day by day Type: leisure five Shibuya Master Type: Elimination six Crowman & Wolfboy Type: leisure seven Aidiago Type: puzzle eight
nine ten Her story Type: puzzle eleven Riddle hook Type: puzzle twelve Spider: the ceremony of moon covering Type: puzzle thirteen Plunder Pirates Type: Operation fourteen carp Type: puzzle fifteen
sixteen seventeen Space cake Type: puzzle eighteen HALOS Type: Elimination nineteen The way to light up Type: solving puzzles twenty Ball Jump Type: leisure twenty-one Birds in the Mountains Type: leisure twenty-two
twenty-three twenty-four Time Surfer Type: parkour twenty-five The legend of the hungry wolf Type: Arcade twenty-six Surrounded by ice and fire Type: Operation twenty-seven Pin elimination: sliding Type: Elimination twenty-eight Pruning art Type: puzzle twenty-nine
thirty thirty-one
one Horizon Chase Type: racing car two Pokemon: Shuffle Type: Elimination three four five
six Pixel Highway Type: racing car seven Winter Fugitives Type: puzzle eight LAURA, RUN Type: solving puzzles nine The Guides Type: solving puzzles ten Football legend Type: leisure eleven Deer God Type: solving puzzles twelve
thirteen fourteen AD Drive Type: racing car fifteen more haste , less speed Type: leisure sixteen Light of the sea Type: Adventure seventeen Growth of Everything - Origin of Life Type: leisure eighteen Sonic surge Type: racing nineteen
twenty twenty-one Sword and Dragon Type: solving puzzles twenty-two Auctioneer Type: leisure twenty-three Crazy lumberjack Type: leisure twenty-four Hello Kitty Type: Elimination twenty-five Motorcycle track CC Type: racing twenty-six
twenty-seven twenty-eight Mozart's Magic Flute Type: solving puzzles twenty-nine Cat endless stack Type: leisure thirty Floors Type: leisure
one two three Dounao Three Kingdoms Type: Card
four Magic stone Type: Card five Sheep Jumping Type: parkour six Baizhantianchong 3 Type: Policy seven Lifeline Type: solving puzzles eight Indian Adventure 2 Type: parkour nine Around the world in 80 days Type: Adventure ten Black Challenge Type: Adventure
eleven twelve Extreme fast cars have no limits Type: racing thirteen Please don't drop Type: parkour fourteen Hexagonal elimination Type: Elimination fifteen Angle of incidence Type: leisure sixteen Disco Duck Type: Elimination seventeen
eighteen nineteen Go down the well and fight Types: actions twenty The Dream Interrupted Type: solving puzzles twenty-one Up arrow Type: parkour twenty-two try one's luck Type: leisure twenty-three Mining World Hero Type: leisure twenty-four
twenty-five twenty-six OPUS Earth Project Type: solving puzzles twenty-seven Walk in the sky Type: leisure twenty-eight Kill time button Type: leisure twenty-nine Jump in circles Type: leisure thirty Tom Cat's motorboat Type: parkour thirty-one
one two Spiders in the Misty Moon Type: solving puzzles three Tongtian Tower Type: leisure four Electroacoustic sprint Type: leisure five A fierce thief Type: leisure six The Forest of Forgetting: Afterlife Type: Elimination seven
eight nine Battlefield overlords: evolution Type: shooting ten the path winds along mountain ridges Type: leisure eleven Magic Gate: Hero Battle Type: Policy twelve Take off Match Man Type: leisure thirteen Ring Type: leisure fourteen
fifteen sixteen hocus Type: solving puzzles seventeen Zenonia S Types: actions eighteen Mini maze Type: RPG nineteen Insect Xiaoxiaole Type: Elimination twenty Pictographic rope rope Type: Elimination twenty-one
twenty-two twenty-three Maximus Type: Elimination twenty-four High tower sprint Type: Arcade twenty-five Warhammer 40K: Freedom Blade Type: shooting twenty-six Dungeon legend Type: RPG twenty-seven The Last Horizon Type: solving puzzles twenty-eight
twenty-nine thirty Super fun box Type: solving puzzles
one Deer Hunter 2016 Type: shooting two 99 rockets Type: shooting three Round running circle Type: solving puzzles four Magic Piano Type: Music five
six seven Rhythm Planet Type: Music eight Small fire and big rescue Type: puzzle nine Rotating balance ball 2 Type: puzzle ten Spider cube Type: leisure eleven Ball Run Type: leisure twelve
thirteen fourteen Turn right, sir Type: leisure fifteen Mechanical escape Types: actions sixteen It's hard to make a snowman Types: actions seventeen Lifeline: Silent Night Types: text eighteen Echo Traces Type: solving puzzles nineteen
twenty twenty-one Cutting rope: magic Type: solving puzzles twenty-two Double trouble rush Type: parkour twenty-three Hammer time! Type: tower defense twenty-four City Rush: London Types: actions twenty-five Skateboarding stars Type: parkour twenty-six
twenty-seven twenty-eight Roman god of war Type: parkour twenty-nine Swing Helicopter 2 Type: parkour thirty Rust Bucket Type: Policy thirty-one Little bone Type: tower defense