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The theme song of "Vitality and Immortality" revealed that the big star would be a river map?

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2017-09-28 18:10:28 Source: 97973 mobile game website

Chinese style games have always been loved by players, especially with all kinds of fairy spirits and ghosts as the theme, full of legendary fantasy style, which makes players fascinated. According to the latest information from the small editor, the theme song of the mobile game "Vitality and Immortality" is about to be released, and it is also an ancient theme song. The most important thing is that the producer of this theme song is a big player in the ancient style circle!

Speaking of the old style circle, I don't know who you will think of? Is it a river map that can be called a senior figure in the ancient style circle? Or is she the sweet sister of Renmeisheng? Or is it an old monster who has become black on microblog every day? It's really expectant! No matter who it is, this theme song will definitely become a very classic work!

With the background of the Goddess List and the combination of national style and quadratic elements, the game builds a new world of vitality and Goddess. According to the news from the editor, the theme song of the game is currently in the process of production, and the main master of knife manipulation has not yet been exposed, but is aimed at the words "ancient style god", There has been a large number of fans swarming in, waiting for the works of the gods to come out!

As a mobile game with the theme of "Immortals Fighting", the character lines of the game are full of fun and more innovation while fully retaining the oriental flavor. For example, you can never imagine that in this world, Jiang Taigong and Jiang Ziya, the "willing victim", are actually girls! Of course, this is not the most important. The game also has ever-changing magic magic. The original "real-time licensing+turn based strategy" will definitely give you a new experience of card games!

 As for who is the great god of the ancient wind circle who sings the theme song, I want to bet a wave of river map! As for who is the great god of the ancient wind circle who sings the theme song, I want to bet a wave of river map!
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