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Gossip about Westward Journey, Man Ghost, Against the Sky, High Bootlaces, You Fly Like a Magic Weapon

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2016-04-05 10:44:47 Source: official website

At present, only the fairy ware shoes have negative sensitivity, which is a very sad thing for male ghosts who pursue negative sensitivity, especially common male ghosts. If you save money to buy the first level negative sensitivity, you will find that the second level negative sensitivity is better. In the pk, the other party's negative sensitivity ghost is slower than you. Negative sensitivity firepower is often slower than you, and some senior stars' professions are also slower than you.

In fact, the pursuit of negative sensitivity is the same as the pursuit of sensitivity, which requires a lot of investment. As a common man ghost (blood player), why must he run on a road that cannot be caught up with. We all know the benefits of negative sensitivity, but for civilian blood line players, the promotion of spending a large amount of resources on first-order negative sensitivity shoes is not as big as the promotion of evenly and reasonably allocating resources.

Civilian players have relatively low requirements for pk, and the main play method is on pve. So how to choose a shoe to deal with pve play?

   Attribute interpretation

If the blood line does not pursue negative sensitivity, then the resistance direction is estimated to be a general direction. The sensitive blood line that pursues sensitivity is not discussed at present, and the playing method is not mature. What about the attributes of resistant shoes, high clothing, magic weapons, and immortal weapons? See the screenshot below:



Immortal weapon resistance shoes+30 resistance,+10% HP, divine weapon resistance shoes+32 resistance,+11.38% HP, advanced resistance shoes+24 resistance,+5200HP,+19 physical resistance, the limit is 25 resistance, 20 physical, but it is meaningless to take the limit, because this kind of shoes can not be received.

First, we will discuss the resistance. Since there is one point plus four physical resistances in the current upper repair, 20 physical resistances can be equivalent to 25 physical resistances. The premise is that the profession needs resistance to physics, so the resistance provides 30 resistances to Shangxian ware shoes, 32 resistances to Shenbing shoes, and 48 resistances to advanced shoes.


In terms of HP, basically, 12 w HP without shoes should be considered a good level. What's the bonus of shoes? That is 12000HP for immortal shoes, 13656HP for Shenbing shoes and 5200HP for advanced shoes. Advanced shoes also have the advantage of adding mana. At present, we don't see the immortal weapon and magic weapon shoes with percentage of mana added. That is, if you choose to add mana to advanced shoes, considering that the life and mana increase of 20.5 revised by the two generations is roughly equivalent to (1+0.2 * 1.205) × 5200=6453.

In the case of only considering the attributes, the immortal weapon is about 18 less resistant than the advanced shoes, and about 6000 more HP. Personally, I think the resistance of 18 is better for civilian male ghosts. It is better to obtain 6000HP if there are attribute points.


If you consider the price, I think that both the first level resistance fairy weapon shoes and the fourth level resistance fairy soldier shoes are nearly 100 times more expensive than these advanced shoes. It's no exaggeration to say that there are a lot of shoes like this in many district clothes. 300w shoes can be received, and even within 1000w shoes can be received, which can be called the best shoes of civilians.

   How to deal with negative demand sensitivity

   1. Pve.

First of all, for mixed team civilian players, Dishaxing, Heart Devil and other replicas, they must be able to go wherever they can. Men and ghosts who basically play casually can cope with the difficulty of pve.

For players with a fixed team, if they need to challenge the high difficulty of Disha and dungeon, resistance is a good way. For example, the male ghosts of Disha 10 stars and above are not negative sensitive. At present, the women in the team change into mud cards 106 slowly than the male ghosts of 12, 13, 14 and 15 stars.

If our male ghosts are not insensitive, they can also be slower than the male ghosts of the star, then we only need to consider the ghost fire damage of the star, because there is no negative sensitive fairy and negative sensitive woman in the star at present, only negative sensitive female ghosts. To tell the truth, depending on the first level negative sensitive shoes, in fact, the female ghosts who are slower than the stars in 13 and above Dishaemons still need to resist ghost fire. Civilian fixed teams can fight against ghost fire to ensure the survival of crisp units in the next round.

Star level=star level × 10+20, that is, 12 stars are 140, which is why male ghosts can be slower than male ghosts without negative sensitivity. The male ghost level of the star is too high. Of course, if the player's level is higher, such as 130, and he kills 11 or 12 stars, he will still be confused with the star male ghost, but it is not serious. I heard that the nine star male ghost is negative sensitive. The stars before 11 have not been killed for a long time, and the partners with data will help to make up.

Men and ghosts who are not sensitive, equipment is not refined, chemical sensitivity is not accelerated, correction is not accelerated, and the card that changes speed is slow enough for us to be slower than men and ghosts of advanced stars. Why do you want to be slower than ghosts? Because the blood returning damage of ghosts from stars is very high, it is difficult for civilian teams to take into account the high resistance to ghosts, fire and three corpses, so it is good for ghosts whose blood returning units are slower than stars. Women who need to be poisoned after the ghost return, and female ghosts of seconds can achieve the pve effect similar to negative sensitivity through the above method without negative sensitivity shoes.

Due to the high growth of basic speed, it is difficult for the male ghost not to slow down through negative sensitive shoes, but if it is an advanced star, such as 14, 15, there is no chance. Believe me, when you are slower than the male ghost of Star, most players will believe that you are negative sensitive. Don't worry about killing the star. There is no partner with negative sensitive shoes.

   2. Pvp.

For mixed team civilian players, I think it's OK to skip this one. Since it's for entertainment, why think so much? If you have experience, you can get rewards. For civilian players with fixed teams, the gap between first-order negative sensitivity and non negative sensitivity is actually very small. After all, the current level of first level negative sensitivity is not enough, and it is difficult to ensure the final shot.

   If the men and ghosts in the team are not negative sensitive, what should be done?

First of all, to meet the needs of three corpses after ice mixing, it is difficult for Min system to stand up next round. After all, the male ghost of the other party is likely to be negative sensitive. As for how many people who can resist, 50 or so should be enough.

Secondly, because the male ghost on your side is faster than the male ghost on the other side, it is easy to be detected, preventing the male ghost on the other side from clearing the sensitive system with ghost fire. If the resistance is enough, the 80 ghost fire resistance should be enough to ensure that the second will not die. After all, there are a large number of sensitive female ghosts, and there are relatively few negative sensitive female ghosts.

Finally, as for forgetfulness and lethargy, after meeting the above resistance, the civilian team can set the forgetting point to 80, even if the resistance of the team at this level is very good. At present, there are few sleeping killing teams, so they are relatively not so anxious.

However, the pk of a fixed team needs to be unified by the whole team. At present, if there are two sets of attributes, it is recommended to use one set of pvp and one set of pve, so that switching is convenient and efficient.

At present, the male ghost of the fixed team is not insensitive, and both the copy and the pk are relatively easy to use. The above experience is completely true and not fabricated.

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Dahua Westward Journey
  • Price: Free
  • Category: Policy
  • Size: 559 MB
  • Updated: September 10, 2015

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