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How to Play the Tomb Sweeping Day Task

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2016-04-02 12:37:34 Source: network

The Tomb Sweeping Day task is divided into five parts, which are the single task - Tomb Sweeping Day Encyclopedia, the single task - Hundred Lights Conference (time limited activity), the team task - Tomb Sweeping Day Hundred Ghosts (15 small), the team task - Battle again with heroes (boss) and the team task - Robber's revenge (time limited activity). Let's introduce them one by one in order.

   Single task: Qingming Encyclopedia

Task process: click Qingming Encyclopedia on the task bar to start the task. After finding Mr. Gao at the border of Datang, he will automatically find the way to complete the conversation with each NPC to complete the task.

Task reward: experience, clear and bright

 Dahua West Tour Tomb sweeping Day (7) Talking about the Qingming Festival

   Single task: Hundred Lights Conference

(This task requires a level greater than or equal to 35)

Task process: During the Tomb Sweeping Day, the task of the Hundred Lights Conference is triggered at 11:00, 15:00, 19:00 and 21:00 every day, and each trigger lasts for one hour.

Task reward: experience

 Dahua West Tour Tomb sweeping Day (8) Talking about the Qingming Festival

   Team task: Tomb Sweeping Hundred Ghosts (15 small)

This task requires a level greater than or equal to 35, with a maximum of 200 times/day

Task flow: Players who form a team of three or more can go to the monster brushing scene to find the monster with the title of "Tomb Sweeping Ghost", and win the battle to get rewards.

Scene of painting monsters: Fangcun Mountain Wanshou Mountain Baigu Mountain Datang Border Donghai Fishing Village in Datang

Rewards: The first 15 times can obtain high experience and items, and only a few experiences can be obtained for 16-200 times. No reward for more than 200 times.

   Team task: fight the boss again

This task requires a level greater than or equal to 35

Task flow: Players who form a team of three or more can choose to fight again in the task bar to find the way to kill six bosses automatically. (To kill the sixth boss, you need to successfully challenge the top five bosses)

Activity reward: experience, item reward.

The first in the boss war --- the soul of Meng Tian: no difficulty

 Dahua West Tour Tomb sweeping Day (1) Talking about the Qingming Festival

The second place in the boss war - the soul of the Zhu family: no difficulty, the only highlight is that this NPC is a new face.

 Dahua West Tour Tomb sweeping Day (2) Talking about the Qingming Festival

The third place in the boss war - the soul of Ran Min: no difficulty, in fact, they are all here to deliver benefits.

 Talking about the Qingming Festival (3) Talking about the Qingming Festival

The fourth in the boss war - the soul of Chen Tang: no difficulty, arrogant expression!

 Talking about the Qingming Festival (5) Talking about the Qingming Festival

The fifth boss in the war --- the soul of Fan Li: Generally speaking, the fifth boss is the limit of civilians, and needs to kill with blood and ice. However, in the Qingming test, the goods can be mixed directly. A little more blood is not difficult.

 Dahua West Tour Tomb sweeping Day (6) Talking about the Qingming Festival

Boss's ultimate battle - Jinghe Dragon King's Soul: Thank KFZ, thank CCTV. Compared with the weak chicken of the boss, what is more noteworthy is that we surprised to find the NPC in the shape of Luosha ghost and fox demon in the battle! Luosha Ghost Ji wants a thick line!!! Oh.. It's beside the point. This boss.. No damage, no output. Only the Housailei in the front row is a powerful monster. Just pay attention to this product and it will be easy to pass. (In the water silk team, there is a level 1 immortal who has no light. Stability control.)

 Talking about the Qingming Festival (9) Talking about the Qingming Festival

   Team task: revenge of bandits (limited time activity)

This task requires a level greater than or equal to 35

Task process: It is open at 12:30 18:30 21:30 every day during the Tomb Sweeping Day mission. When the activity starts, players form teams to return to the gang to kill the bandits' souls, and they can get rewards if they win.

Activity reward: experience, item reward.

Special instructions: The number of refreshes is related to the sect level, and it takes 20 minutes to kill. Otherwise, some gang funds will be lost.

   Dahua West Tour Mobile Game Player Discussion Group: 219295740 For more exciting information and strategies, please pay attention to 97973 mobile game website Dahua West Tour Zone.

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