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How to climb the new version of Flower Thousand Bones Tower

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November 27, 2015 15:46:04 Source: 18183

Edit: Wing

The editor of 97973 mobile game website shared how to climb the new version of "Flower Thousand Bones" tower, and explained the introduction of "Flower Thousand Bones" in detail. I hope this introduction can help everyone!

After the launch of the new version of Flower Thousand Bones Mobile Cross server, the change of the Thousand storey Tower is not small. This article brings the latest introduction to the Millennium Tower shared by the editor. There may be some missing points for your reference only.

 fifteen How to climb the new version of Thousand storey Tower

   1. It's important to get up early

Everyone's work and rest time is different. In my eyes, 7-8 am is not early. Because I went to bed early at night, except for the competition on the weekend. I will definitely go to bed at 10 o'clock the rest of the time. So it's not too early for me.

   2. Friends are important

According to my latest observation, the new version of the Millennium Tower can't meet your friends. So Gao Zhan's friends are worth having; In addition, we should not overlook the help we can give you when fighting. Also, don't waste your friends. When you encounter 2-4 million more combat power than yourself, try to bring a friend. The one with the lowest combat power is enough to ensure that everything is safe. It's no exaggeration to say that there are few friends left after I finish playing the Millennium Tower every day. Don't waste it!

  3. Let go when it's time to let go

Each person's VIP level is different, and the number of failures is also different. This method may not be applicable if it is too few. I have failed 10 times, and I gave up all of them without playing. In this case, don't try, let alone choose Gao Zhan's friends to sacrifice, just start hosting alone.

I feel that when I fail, the combat effectiveness of the opponent is worse than that of the opponent. The next time the system matches the combat effectiveness, it is very likely that this will be the case. So when I encounter an opponent who is less than tens of millions of combat effectiveness, I should not make unnecessary struggles.

   5. About the skills of game character confrontation

After the update, everyone said that Sword Zun was weakened. I saw it in the World Championship. I'm not sure about the Thousand storey Tower, but I usually build it like this when I meet Sword Zun. I don't know whether it's lucky or not. It's basically a win. I believe that the characters will be defeated. But it still needs to be analyzed by God.

  6. Lingchong collocation

In fact, this should be the most important. But I'm really not good at analyzing this pet. Let's talk about our own. Because I haven't cultivated the insects and killed my teacher and Xiaoyue, I can only make do now.

I only talk about the ink ice. Many people say that the ink ice is useless. I think it is OK. As long as the pet that Mo Bing matches with is not dead when he changes, his strength is still leverage, so I usually find someone who doesn't love to die to join him. After killing the teacher, I will put them in Mo Bing's group. If you have a pet with thick blood, you can try it.

The above is "Flower Thousand Bones" brought to you by 97973 mobile game website. For more introduction to "Flower Thousand Bones", please pay attention to 97973 mobile game website.

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Hua Qian'gu
  • Price: Free
  • Category: role play
  • Size: 231 MB
  • Updated: September 20, 2015

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