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True Three Kingdoms War (Taiwan uniform)

Introduction to the game:

Three Kingdoms? Every 21.9 days, a "Pseudo Three Kingdoms" game is born!

2014/02/25, restricted in Taiwan! The action version of the strategy game "True Three Kingdoms War" is officially launched!

The strongest Three Kingdoms strategy game on the surface! 3D action version "Three Kingdoms Battle"! Break down all the "pseudo Three Kingdoms"!

===Introduction to Games===

※ Forces of the Three Kingdoms: Wei Jun, Shu Jun, Wu Jun, Qunxiong

※ City

seven point four
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
  • Game features:
essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: May 12, 2014
Version: 2.0.0
Category: Card
Language: Chinese
Size: 134MB
Developer: WENYI GU
System requirements: iOS 4.3 or higher
label: Online games + Card + strategy + metro
Game impression

New expression


Character modeling is slightly rough
Simple special effects
High card upgrade consumption

Game review
This is a special card strategy game. When fighting, the players who play on the battlefield have changed from cards to weapons that cards are good at: such as cavalry, infantry, and archers. The arms not only have the relationship between birth and defeat, but also have obvious characteristics of action speed, so they have higher requirements for strategy: careless array arrangement is likely to fail. Unfortunately, it is only available in Taiwan.
Detailed evaluation
Author: A hundred mile cloud

Although the Three Kingdoms is a subject that can easily be used as an article, after searching the App Store and Android application market in the mainland, we have to admit in dismay that the "Three Kingdoms" have been abused by domestic producers who have no creativity, and it is almost a matter of knowing ten or even hundreds of things. Even though the so-called "Three Kingdoms" under the banner of "strategy" appeared, it was still a card with no new idea from the outside to the inside. We would not even make a simple disguise, and our conscience was at ease... But we can also take a broader view to see what's new in some games on the other side of the strait and the other side of the ocean that have not logged into China. Although the moon is the same, the people under the moon are different after all. Maybe producers in other places can come up with something that is not so repetitive?

For example, a few days ago, because of the Million Chronicle, the region of Apple ID was changed to Taiwan Province, the motherland's treasure island. Then I saw such a high ranking True Three Kingdoms on the free list of the App Store there. The name of this imitation of "True Three Kingdoms" made me take it for granted that it was a bloody and violent grass cutting game, but the result was absurd - although there were four images of two men and two women when establishing the characters, it really only provided different images for the players, and there was nothing that could be linked to "sects" and "professions".

Then there was a one out of five single choice question: Guan Yu, Lv Bu, Zhou Yu, Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun in their youth, choose one to be your general. Without hesitation, he chose Zhao Zilong, a white horse and a silver gun. It was so cool to clear the court when he took the first shot of the heroic gentian C4 at the beginning of the day. It's too far. After officially entering the game, we followed the guide step by step, and the teenagers running in Jingzhou City together with the girls who were childhood sweethearts took over the first army from Emperor Xian of Han - wait, why did Emperor Xian of Han appear here? Let's leave it alone and go and wipe out the Yellow Scarves.

When the battle curtain opened, I was left in front of the screen. This obviously does not play cards according to common sense! Even if it looks like an RPG when wandering in the city, after the start of the fight... it is neither an imagined action fight nor a popular card fight - even if the military officers exist in the form of cards - why do I feel so like the Three Kingdoms? On the battlefield, the generals are represented by the arms they command: spearmen, archers, or cavalry. The small squares marked with "force" look like the troops out of the Three Kingdoms, just changing the flag to the name of the generals. The soldiers in each square team are so familiar with the surprise attack with guns before fighting and the tumbling of people after close combat. However, the release of military officers' skills can be controlled manually instead of randomly in the Three Kingdoms series.

During the battle, we can't adjust the route of our own forces, so it is necessary to arrange our own positions reasonably according to the enemy's formation before the battle - especially in the game, the arms are clearly antagonistic. Basically, after the archers are scattered by the cavalry, they lose their combat effectiveness completely, and the cavalry will be directly ignored when facing the spearmen, The damage taken by the gunmen when they march against the rain of arrows cannot be ignored. However, there is no way to change the route or anything. When you see the imagined "cavalry attacking the archers around the back" becomes "cavalry and gunmen collide head-on", you really want to kill the production team with a mouthful of salt soda. In addition, I accidentally found that there was also a chance that the main generals of both sides would fight each other, which was called "drum beating". At this time, you only need to click the red lotus drum on the screen quickly. It is not like the "Three Kingdoms", which is a pure contest of force values. However, if you fail, the end would be very heavy: you would be killed directly and the whole army would withdraw from the battlefield.

The game also introduces the "technology" system, which is used to upgrade the three arms, and can affect the corresponding attributes of the generals: for example, upgrading the iron stirrup will bring force and intelligence bonus. When all attributes of an army are upgraded, they can evolve to the next stage and learn the corresponding tactics. While improving the overall combat power, they also make the previously mentioned relationship between production and defense more prominent, which seems to further highlight the importance of formation and army. Moreover, it is not difficult to obtain the prop "hammer" used to upgrade arms. You just need to challenge the elite level and obtain the corresponding number of stars. Of course, the local tyrant players can also directly choose to buy from the mall, but the system limits that they can only buy 15 times a day. I think this is also a small measure to prevent the gap between players from being too wide.

Therefore, I have no objection to the formation of this platoon and saying that it is a strategy game. However, the role of military officers cannot be ignored. The growth of gold card, silver card and even more advanced diamond card is to throw out white card and black card. Moreover, when only five people can fight at most, it is really worth thinking about what type, what kind of arms, and what skills to let the generals go to war. For example, I took Zhang Sanxing and Cao Pi in the early stage, and they became the one who died in battle. In addition, if you think that the skills of a general can be released without thinking, then... Of course, I don't object to doing this, but different skills have different effects and require different morale. Maybe when the general under you is in danger and needs to return blood, you regret that you dropped a high cost damage skill without killing the enemy. A more strategic battle is much more interesting than a no brainer battle, isn't it?

There are also small colored eggs hidden in the game: the members of the production team have also been made into cards. At present, I have only found three cards and have two of them, the plan named "Wei Dahei" and the art named "Li Binbin". The name full of strange feelings is really self darkening... The game is also embedded with the "event" of the Three Kingdoms : From time to time, I will receive a letter from XXX thanking him for running away and cultivating a jiyou, and then offer some rewards, which is also a little fun in the story.

After seeing too many cards of the Three Kingdoms category, I believe you can understand the feeling of suddenly brightening up when you start to play such a game with the theme of Three Kingdoms, which emphasizes strategy. Although the screen performance of the game is not excellent, there are still some shortcomings such as rough modeling, poor skills and special effects, and high consumption of advanced military officers, it is good to occasionally taste Taiwan snacks for a change after being tired of mainland cuisine.

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