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Curse the world adventure

Introduction to the game:

The little hero was born in a world called "Void", which means emptiness in Chinese. He didn't know who he was, and he didn't want to stay in the Void world, so he kept running away. In the second chapter of the story, the protagonist changed his appearance. When he saw a scarecrow, he turned himself into a scarecrow to match and integrate into the world.

  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
  • Game features:
essential information
Price: ¥18.00
Updated: January 21, 2015
Version: 2.0
Category: puzzle solving
Language: English
Size: 278MB
System requirements: iOS 4.3 and higher
label: stand-alone + Puzzle solving + leisure time + metro
Game impression

Beautiful picture, pure music
Play actively
Inspirational thinking about life


The tone of the game is too dark

Game review
Nihilumbra, from BeautifunGames, is a relaxed decryption escape game. With a specially customized soundtrack and flowing ink style pictures, the game is in a quiet and mysterious atmosphere. The beginning of the game is the birth of the protagonist, Little Black Group, which has no name. Players control the advance of the small black regiment. Each screen will have an English narration, which is the story introduction.
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