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NBA Dream Team

Introduction to the game:

The NBA Dream Team, a basketball mobile game officially authorized by the NBA and developed by DeNA China, is the first game of card 2.0 in a colorful basketball business competition. More than 450 old and new NBA stars have appeared in the game. Yao Ming, Lin Shuhao, Kobe Bryant, and James can all become one of your exclusive luxury players, and you can lead them to the path of championship glory.

eight point three
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: August 28, 2018
Version: 6.0
Category: Card
Language: English
Size: 128MB
Developer: Shanghai Youyou
System requirements: iOS 4.3 or higher
label: Online games + Card + Nurturance management + go to work
Game impression

Lots of star cards
Well designed interface
Real time ball game with great appreciation


Too thin game content
Large domestic purchase demand

Game review
The NBA Dream Team is the first mobile game officially authorized by the NBA and developed by DeNA China. It pioneered the colorful game card 2.0 playing method of basketball business competition, and more than 700 new and old NBA players appeared in the game. Yao Ming, Lin Shuhao, Kobe Bryant and James can all become members of your exclusive luxury lineup, leading you to the road of championship glory.
Detailed evaluation
Author: Big dream

In 2013, card games in the mobile game market were very popular, and several card games represented by such big manufacturers as Shanda and Tencent won many player users, so many developers focused on card games, and many similar mobile games followed suit. Some players may feel that repeated card automatic fighting is not fun, so they will gradually add more RPG games to enrich the content of the game. The NBA Dream Team is also a card game, but it uses the theme of basketball team management. At present, most of the card games that advocate magic, fantasy and other styles are innovative.

The cards of NBA Dream Team directly use the photos of real players, so there is no problem that the staffing is not in line with the players' aesthetic. The picture of the basketball game is also good. Although there is no real picture of basketball games, the character image and the audience can be seen from the front are relatively clear, and the light effect and shock screen effect are also added when the players use their skills, However, the movement is not smooth enough, and there are not many movements. However, with the lively background music and goal cheering and other sound effects, the battle is still very on the spot.

The essence of card game lies in the collection, combination, upgrading and fighting of cards. In the NBA Dream Team, players need to have different NBA star cards to arrange and fight the lineup. In the draft interface, players can draw purple and orange stars by luck twice a day, and have five chances to win blue players, And then you can only draw through diamonds, so if you want to organize a perfect team, you should either go online every day or invest money. In the card game, it is an automatic basketball game. At this time, players can only serve as an audience. At the beginning, they may be interested in watching several games. Later, many players may choose to skip the game to speed up the upgrade. With the improvement of the player's level, more formative play methods will be opened, such as the intensive cultivation of star cards, skill matching between star players and managers, and other formative elements, to increase the online time of players. Although many content can be exchanged for results with time, it is just like online game players pay more attention to speed, so these items are also the profit points of manufacturers.

As the homogenization problem of card games is becoming more and more serious, players will sooner or later abandon the game because of the content of "end game". For this reason, card games can be saved by integrating RPG elements, making the life cycle of the game longer under the condition of perfect integration of the two. In addition, more delicate pictures and alternative theme settings will be recognized by players, In this regard, NBA Dream Team can be said to be a successful case.

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