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Boom Beach

Introduction to the game:

In this epic battle strategy game, use your intelligence and strong physique to fight against the evil dark guards. Attack the enemy base, liberate the enslaved islanders, and uncover the hidden secrets of this tropical paradise. Create contingents with players from all over the world to fight against the enemy. Reconnaissance, plan, and bomb the beach!

eight point five
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
  • Game features:
essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: October 8, 2018
Version: 26.135
Category: tower defense
Language: Chinese
Size: 98.4 MB
Developer: Supercell
System requirements: iOS 7.0 or higher
label: Online games + Tower defence + strategy + go to work
Game impression

Good picture performance
More strategic than COC
Controllable army


Incoherent pace of novice game guide

Game review
Like COC, "Island Raiders" is a strategic tower defense game. It inherits the superior production pedigree of Supercell, and its excellent screen performance, together with the introduction of "controllable" elements in the combat system, big map island exploration and other elements, makes this game more playable. In COC, knocking down the base camp is only one of the conditions for victory. Players can knock down more than 50% of the buildings to win. However, in Island Raiders, players must knock down the base camp on the beach to win.
Detailed evaluation

Author: Unitary  

"We are composed of different 'cells', and the operation of each small team is very independent." This is a sentence about the concept of company composition that Paananen, the founder of Supercell Oy, said in an interview. At present, the mature works of Supercell Oy are the earliest cartoon farm (Hay Day), the most classic tribal conflict (COC), and then the rising star Boom Beach. The focus of the three games is different. Cartoon farms are more leisure oriented in terms of style and content, while COC focuses on the strategy between competition and defense. What about the island wonders? It is more like the crystallization of two games, focusing on exploring the content. The single player experience is clear, the charges are simple, and the overall balance is better.

Operation of the sense of substitution in strategy games

As a common strategy game, the most important feature of the excellent screen is the operability of the battle. Assembly, medical treatment, shelling and other commands combine to give players a pleasant feeling of command. In addition, different arms and the use of modern war materials make the combat effect much better than that of similar games.

Insufficient friend localization function

Online games link unknown players together, regardless of the setting of various relationship functions between friends and enemies, to make more players intersect. For the development of business strategy games, the relationship between players is very clear, either friends or enemies. If someone says that I see a player on the map, I don't want to attack. There are probably, maybe, two situations. First, this player can't be called "fat sheep"; Second, for some kind novice players, there is a feeling of fear of being retaliated or unbearable. Any player who has been exposed to more than two offensive and defensive strategy games will not have such a heart.

In "Island Raiders", in addition to enjoying the layout of the city defense, the rest of the players can be regarded as enemies. There are two reasons for this phenomenon. The first friend has a serious lack of local support and only supports Facebook (Sina Weibo and Tencent QQ are also tens of millions of users, at least think about it!); The second friend didn't interact with each other. Even Facebook friends have no other function settings except to check the city defense layout, which always gives players a fight alone.

Disadvantages: I can't play with my friends on Weibo and QQ. I'm not happy.

It will be shot in another place to the end

I don't know whether it is because we have been brainwashed since the era of domestic page games that places in the game are fixed like positions, and you can delete the number when there is no place. Of course, COC has changed the concept of many people. The original game can be played like this, randomly drawing opponents and looting. The island wonders are also inherited in the same way. Of course, a slight improvement is to show the enemy on the map. By upgrading the radar, your territory will become larger and larger, and the number of players will also become larger and larger. There is no disturbing investigation requirements, and it is intuitive to know whether you can play at a glance. If the battle is successful, the enemy will continue to fight for another person. If the battle is unsuccessful, the enemy can continue to challenge. A small amount of diamond rewards will be obtained for successful defense.

Disappointments: People all over the world play together. If you are invaded by the enemy, it is almost impossible to go back. If you can meet them, you can buy lottery tickets.

If you can't bully the player, you can only bully the computer

The hostile player relationship between Pinpoint and Mai Mang once made many players no longer like to operate online games to develop strategies. As a result, the game reform added a buffer zone from simple players plundering each other. Computer production resources and players plundering each other will not hurt the root, and players will not have extreme boredom. This idea is magnified in the island wonders. Although the single resource produced by computers is far from being comparable to that of players, when computer AI accounts for 60% of your game map, players just need to be more crazy and clean up one by one. I believe that it can be built up from a small amount of sand. In addition, it is necessary to consider why players cannot be bullied. In the case of the same level, the defense placement method that eliminates the brain damage, the strength of the player's defense weapons is basically the same as that of the attacker's forces, and most players need to repeatedly attack. The overall calculation will not pay off, but it is more stable to bully the computer. Not to mention that the player's attack and defense mode of changing every shot makes it more difficult to find "sheep".

Disadvantages: In order to ensure the balance between attack and defense, the attacking forces cannot participate in defense. In fact, the intensity of the battle has made great progress.

The idea of charging is obvious

There is no too many charging items for island wonders. There is only one way to buy them directly, whether it is building level or cultivating soldiers. That is to say, there is nothing to build at the same time, there is no exemption card, and there is no hero. Of course, every certain stage of the game will have a very big hole. When you don't have a certain resource, you will be forced to use it. The initial wood, steel in the middle and later stages, when all the resources are abundant, there will be only one less resource, which will not prevent you from becoming a serious fat sheep of others. It's really a tangle. At this time, players have only two choices: spend money to buy or plunder crazily.

Version update

In fact, we can know something about this version update of Island Raiders. The game has updated the weapon system, newly added submarines, ice and snow land, and deep sea exploration, all of which undoubtedly show their exquisite images. In terms of content, submarine and deep sea exploration can be said to add to the exploration fun of the game itself. Of course, it is still a single player who completes independently without adding any interaction.

Disappointment: It seems that the game is to carry out the single machine fun to the end. If you want to find a girl in the game, Yaoyao's idea of such a loser should not be realized.

To sum up, the conclusion is that the Island Raiders is not so much an online game as a stand-alone game, which adds the multiplayer online function. People all over the world can explore and communicate with each other when they have nothing to do, and then fight separately when they have something to do. In this kind of near slow gathering, although it is not without desires and desires, it will not care about the process of being robbed several times. I personally think that the Island Raiders are played as a strategy game, which is more like a pet game. Of course, there is no fierce competition and plunder, and there is no competition for morale. Players are less interested in consumption. More players pay for the fun of the game through the single cost of time, which is why many players of other strategy games come here.

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