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King Hunt

Introduction to the game:

The cutting game of the new generation came into being here! The independent game studio of Moto Baron, mini bloody battle and hot blooded ice hockey is dedicated to creating for you.

eight point three
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essential information
Price: ¥1.00
Updated: June 30, 2014
Version: 1.2
Category: leisure
Language: Chinese
Size: 81.5MB
Developer: Mountain Sheep
System requirements: iOS 6.0 or higher
label: stand-alone + leisure time + eliminate + Toilet
Game impression

The game picture is fresh and beautiful, and the 3D effect is good
The game has some new ideas, adding interaction with the enemy


Insufficient innovation in playing methods

Game review
The King Catcher is a leisure action game similar to Fruit Ninja, but compared with the 3D picture of Fruit Ninja, the style is fresh and lovely, and the cut objects are complex and diverse, which is carried out in the form of tackling key problems. There are still some new ideas in the way of playing. This is not just a delicate fruit cutting game~
Detailed evaluation
Author: Mushroom sauce

The game of "The King Catcher" is very similar to the core game of "Fruit Ninja", which is all about cutting things with bare hands. The difference is that "The King Catcher" is not only more fresh and clean in 3D images and colors, but also covers all kinds of cutting things, not only fruits, but also potatoes, broccoli, benches, alarm clocks, barrels Totem poles and other things that we may not think of, but the most distinctive thing is that when robbers appear, you must move quickly, or they will be counterattacked. This setting increases the dynamics of the game, enabling players to interact with the characters in the game.

The whole background of the game takes place on a heart-shaped island composed of many islands, but the heart-shaped island is occupied by bandits. What the player needs to do is to defeat the bandits by "cutting fruit" and recover each island. However, every island recovered, the crafty bandits will flee to the next island. What the player needs to do is to chase them down and kill them. At the same time, A lighthouse like building surrounded by the island will also continuously open reward levels, through which players can collect gems while harvesting gold coins. There are 100 kinds of gems, which can also add a target demand to players.

Unlike Fruit Ninja, the game has three modes: arcade, classic (endless) and Zen (timing). Instead, it combines the characteristics of its own checkpoint system, and sets a goal that is required to be reached in three lives to pass the pass. During this period, life will slowly recover and occasionally life adding items will appear, but if there is any omission (except for bombs) It will also be deducted from the total number of accumulated cuts.

At the beginning of the game, the difficulty of the five levels is still very low, and it is very easy to pass the level. At the sixth level, it is obvious that the difficulty has increased, the combination of bombs and items has become closer, and more items have been cut in the same batch, resulting in more omissions. This may also be that the developer anticipates that players are familiar with the characteristics and playing methods of the game in the first five levels, and slowly get tired of this effortless victory, so he adds challenges in the burnout period to encourage players to continue to stay.

Although there is no breakthrough in playing methods, the overall quality of the game is good. It not only retains the pleasure of cutting fruit, but also adds new elements such as interaction, and there is no internal purchase. In addition to the advantages of the screen, "The King Catcher" is really a good game worth playing, especially for those who like "cutting fruit" but also for "Fruit Ninja" This is especially true for players who are bored with the screen.

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