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Green Journey

Introduction to the game:

The "Green Journey" mobile game is a Guoman style MMORPG mobile game launched by heroes to entertain each other in good faith. It is created by the top team of the giant network classic end game "Journey". "Green Journey" The mobile game inherits the classic game of end game, which is a national war for thousands of people, exciting pk, escorting by merchants, and official merit. It has also optimized the economic system and trading mode, and truly created a fair and green game environment.

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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: December 10, 2018
Version: 1.0
Category: role play
Language: Chinese
Size: No game download
Developer: Giant Mobile Technology Co., Ltd
System requirements: iOS8.0 or higher
label: Online games + cosplay + leisure time + metro
Game impression


Game review
The game not only retains the game playing methods of the Journey series, such as Ten Thousand People National War, Exciting PK, Spy, Escort, etc., but also brings the ultimate game experience to non RMB players in the game. The equipment is not popular, the equipment is free to trade, and the game is practiced on behalf of others, so as to protect your road to becoming king!
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