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Strange life

Introduction to the game:

Life Is Strange is an interactive visual adventure game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and released by Scoville Enix. The game consists of five chapters. The protagonist of the game is Max Caulfield, a photography student. She finds that she has the ability to look back at time at any time, leading to the butterfly effect caused by her every choice. After foreseeing a storm coming, Max must take responsibility to prevent her town from suffering

eight point nine
  • Audio visual effect:
  • Novice guide:
  • Operating feel:
  • Easy to set:
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essential information
Price: ¥18.00
Updated: December 21, 2017
Version: 1.1.1
Category: puzzle solving
Language: English
Size: 938 MB
System requirements: iOS 10.0 or higher
label: stand-alone + Puzzle solving + cosplay + go to work
Game impression

Delicate plot setting
Outstanding audio and video effects


No sinicization

Game review
Strange Life is not so much a game as a movie with interactive plot. In the game, the player manipulates the protagonist into the story and experiences the whole story step by step. Each choice of the player will have some different impact on the follow-up. The difference between real life and the story of the game attracts players to go on step by step.
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