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Samsara formula

Introduction to the game:

The Code of samsara is an RPG mobile game created by the perfect world. After a year of ingenious polishing of 300000 words of world view story, the team has carried out a subversive interpretation of traditional Chinese myths. Beautiful people with big brain holes and domestic top CV voice dubbing in the whole process are just to bring more charming story experience. With the innovative dynamic battle settings, the game boldly adds many action elements, with unique lens effects and full action moves, making the battle process extremely

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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: November 5, 2018
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Card
Language: Chinese
Size: 1.1 GB
Developer: Perfect World
System requirements: iOS7.0 or higher
label: Online games + Card + leisure time + metro
Game impression


Game review
The Secret of samsara is a national style action pack hand game created by the perfect world. The game perfectly presents the three wonders of the world with national style strokes, and shapes a new oriental myth. You will surely be refreshed by the participation of domestic top voice actors, as well as many subversive fate gods such as Taibaijinxing, Taotie, Yuelao, etc. Abandon numerical competitive competition, easy to use strategic battle, strong interactive friend play, real-time cross server teaming experience, "2018 Original IP Pilot" and so on!
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