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Introduction to the game:

"Shenlu" is a MMORPG round mobile tour created by the original team of Dreamland! Cute and adorable, with various shapes, cute characters, and strategic competition between fingers! Open economy, maintain the value of props, make money easily and become a local tyrant! Live avatar, city identification, deep interaction with friends! More exciting PK, gang warfare and other rich play methods are waiting for you. The battle between gods and demons and the battle between Buddhism and Taoism is about to sweep, so get ready for a magnificent journey of Xianxia!

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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: February 8, 2017
Version: 1.0.0
Category: role play
Language: Chinese
Size: not yet open
Developer: Guangzhou Chenyou Network Technology Co., Ltd
System requirements: iOS 7.0 or higher
label: Online games + cosplay + strategy + bus
Game impression


Game review
Open economy, maintain the value of props, make money easily and become a local tyrant! Live avatar, city identification, deep interaction with friends! More exciting PK, gang warfare and other rich play methods are waiting for you. The battle between gods and demons and the battle between Buddhism and Taoism is about to sweep, so get ready for a magnificent journey of Xianxia!
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