amount of downloads: one hundred and thirty-one
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Introduction to the game:

Unkilled is a new work of the famous mobile game developer MADFINGER Games. It inherits the blood of the previous DEAD TRIGGER series and is a zombie shooting game.

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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: September 10, 2015
Version: 0.1.0
Category: car gun ball
Language: Chinese
Size: 184MB
Developer: MADFINGER Games, a.s
System requirements: iOS 8.0 or higher
label: stand-alone + Car gun ball + action + metro
Game impression

Excellent picture quality, smooth control and refreshing shooting
The story of the game is rich and playable


Single player game content, but requires online verification
Physical strength bar has a relatively negative impact on the game experience

Game review
Undoubtedly, the biggest highlight of this work is the picture of the game. The Immortal Body produced by citing Unity3D engine has an extremely amazing effect. It reflects the level of the masterpiece in scene modeling, texture mapping, gun modeling, and so on, which is quite like a host game. In the background setting of "Unkilled", the player plays a member of a special team, stepping into New York City, which was attacked by zombie virus, and gradually digging the truth of the disaster through the intricate main story. There is a reward level every few levels in the game. Players can use the machine gun to shoot More>>
Detailed evaluation

On September 3, MADFINGER Games, a developer who developed the Death Trigger series with more than 100 million downloads worldwide, officially launched their new work Unkilled in the AppStore, which is a free download plus internal purchase mode. Benefiting from its exquisite pictures based on Unity engine, the performance effect of this work is better than that of the previous work "Death Trigger 2", which has received extensive attention on the previous E3. Judging from the experience of the current official version, it can be regarded as a masterpiece, but such defects as "physical strength bar" are also annoying.

Undoubtedly, the biggest highlight of this work is the picture of the game. The Immortal Body produced by citing Unity3D engine has an extremely amazing effect. It reflects the level of the masterpiece in scene modeling, texture mapping, gun modeling, and so on, which is quite like a host game. In the background setting of "Unkilled", the player plays a member of a special team, stepping into New York City, which was attacked by zombie virus, and gradually digging the truth of the disaster through the intricate main story. There is a reward level every few levels in the game, and players can use the machine gun set up to shoot. Tension and relaxation are connected, and the rhythm is brilliant. At the same time, there are some regional stories in the game that need players to explore, and provide unique firearms or props rewards, which can be played with rich content. However, due to the fragmentation requirements of mobile platforms, game levels are designed independently and piecemeal. As a mobile game, there is nothing wrong with it, but on the whole, this fragmented experience is difficult to give people a deep sense of substitution.

However, as a shooting game, the operation is the key system that players identify. This game adopts the settings of left and right virtual rockers and automatic shooting in the control, and also retains the option of manual shooting in the settings. This is also a common way to solve FPS game operation on the touch screen at present, for example, Modern Warfare 5 also adopts this way. Although a part of the operability of precision shooting has been sacrificed, the mobile shooting has a good sense of fluency, which also meets the needs of the game. However, compared with the rich melee weapons and moves in Death Trigger 2, the melee attack in this work has been greatly simplified, which can be said to be a pity.

Of course, the biggest drawback is as mentioned above. As a game with stand-alone content as its core, it is very uncomfortable to add online verification and physical strength bar. In the process of the game, some levels will also make requirements for the player's equipment data. When the demand is not met and the gold coins are lacking for further strengthening, the player needs to repeatedly swipe the passed levels to obtain gold coins or make internal purchases. In the case of weak mobile games, this method of forcibly lengthening the game cycle through resource constraints is also widely used, especially for F2P games. On the other hand, there is also a way to watch advertisements in the game to obtain the money purchased internally. Moreover, the items purchased internally are not extremely unbalanced in terms of numerical value, and there will be no case of buying a "Fire Kirin" to pass the customs all the way. On the whole, it is relatively conscientious

At present, the profit mode of free games plus internal purchase has become an irresistible trend of the times. Some traditional large factories abroad have also joined the ranks. As far as this game is concerned, the quality is excellent, and the internal purchase design is not enough to play without spending money. For players who like shooting games and zombie themes, let go of the glass heart, and the internal purchase of 12RMB is enough to kill them.

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