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World X World

Introduction to the game:

"World X World" is a 3D fantasy action mobile game created by NetEase based on the World IP series. The game pioneered the "one control three" group war mode, and activated and restored more than 100 original characters of the Great Wilderness. Players can freely form arrays, conduct micro operations of strategies, and fight the Great Wilderness.

seven point seven
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essential information
Price: Free Admission
Updated: February 4, 2016
Version: 1.0
Categories: actions
Language: Chinese
Size: 346 MB
Developer: Netease Game
System requirements: iOS 5.0 or higher
label: Online games + action + strategy + metro
Game impression

Three person team mode emphasizes cooperation
Excellent picture performance
Good sense of combat


Lack of sweeping function forces players to do a lot of repetitive work
Unable to rotate the angle of view. The command team became a chicken

Game review
A mobile action game based on "The World" series "The Great Wilderness World". It adopts the "three person team" mode. The battle is strategic, the sense of attack is refreshing, and the picture is excellent. However, it is not convenient to command the role in the battle due to the inability to control the perspective freely, which makes a setting that could have performed well slightly worse.
Detailed evaluation
Author: A hundred mile cloud

In addition to the two famous "Westward Journey", NetEase's own IP brand is also a giant in the end game era. The signboard "Tianxia" was born in 2000 in the hands of Tianxia. After being acquired by Netease and reworked by the old version of "Tianxia 2", today's "Tianxia 3" has a history of ups and downs for 15 years. When NetEase starts to play hand games, this golden signboard will inevitably be involved. Following the launch of the "World HD" and received a lot of praise, NetEase continued to make efforts to come up with a "World X World".

However, while continuing the "Tianxia" IP, this "Tianxia X Tianxia" is slightly different from that of the great wilderness world we are familiar with. In short, although the story of "World X World" still takes place in the wilderness world, and the characters in the game are not short of the characters we know, its background story is more similar to the nature of "prequel" and "autobiography" - here, you can read Yujizi's feelings of master and apprentice, and see Lu Nanting's guilt eighteen years ago.

Around the plot, in the setting of copy chapters, Tianxia X Tianxia follows the example of Shiji and adopts the "biographical style". Each chapter is unfolded from the perspective of a certain character. Fifteen copies are paved out, which are fifteen volumes of thick biographies of characters, telling us fifteen ups and downs stories. This way of expression is also quite innovative in mobile games.

The game has changed the Q cuteness of "World HD" to a slightly realistic set of people, supplemented by ink and wash style rendering, which shows an overall "antique" flavor. Although the shape of the characters has changed, it can also be regarded as a restoration of the characters in the Duanyou "Tianxia" series to a certain extent. If they are old players, it is not difficult to distinguish them according to their clothes.

Although it is an action game, "World X World" uses a "team" control mode, and players can have up to three characters at the same time. In the battle, players can not only select the whole team to control the movement of all members, but also command a member of the team to move strategically; Skills can also be selected from "manual release" and "automatic release", but for some characters with healing skills and interrupting skills, "manual" is better.

In addition to the use of keys, Tianxia X Tianxia abandons the traditional operation of virtual joystick and uses the same "touch" as Tianxia HD to control the walking of characters. Although it provides "automatic path finding", in some checkpoints that need to reach the condition of "not being found by the patrolling enemy", for the sake of Samsung evaluation, don't be lazy.

A very unpleasant setting is that neither PVE nor PVP can zoom the map, nor does it provide a small map function, which makes it difficult to see the situation on the battlefield comprehensively. This makes "running" and "gathering fire" look like chicken ribs. If this can be adjusted in subsequent versions, it will greatly enhance the fun of fighting. In addition, even if Samsung passes the customs, the copy cannot be cleaned up. If you want to brush equipment, you have to fight again and again.

When it comes to equipment, we must talk about the character training system. Although it is also a traditional way of "accumulating pieces to upgrade the star" and "wearing equipment to upgrade", the level of the hero is limited by both the player level and the "suit level", that is, the hero can continue to upgrade after wearing all 6 pieces of equipment at the current stage and upgrading. However, the loss rate of equipment is still a face problem after all, which indirectly and semi forcibly lengthens the game time of players. However, this kind of boring work is undoubtedly easy to enhance the boredom of players. It is possible to make some adjustments.

If you are a player of the end game of the "World" series, and have sufficient interest in the background setting of the Great Wilderness World and sect stories, then you can try this "World X World". After all, only in terms of the plot, it can be regarded as a complement and derivation of the stories that happened in the end game. Players who have not contacted Tianxia do not have to worry about being confused about such issues as "worldview". Simply talking about the design of battle, Tianxia X Tianxia is also worth experiencing.

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