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Vigorous Knight's Qi Clan's Hidden Skill How can the Qi Clan use the laser (Tortoise Qigong)

Source: Leyou sorting Date: 2022/7/12 10:56:09 Author: Leyou
962 home page Online and mobile games mobile game → How can the Qi Clan of the Vigorous Knight hide the laser (Tortoise Qigong)

[Leyou Guide] The Vigorous Knight added a new character Qi Clan in the 4.2.0 Summer Edition. Friends can defeat the Qi Clan NPC in the Guarding Temple mode to unlock the Qi Clan character. Some friends don't know how the Vigorous Knight Qi Clan releases the laser when playing the Qi Clan, that is, the hidden skill of the Qi Clan, also known as the tortoise Qigong. Let's have a look at it with the editor.

Vigorous Knight At 4.2.0 summer vacation A new character Qi Clan has been added in the version. Friends can defeat the Qi Clan NPC in the guardian temple mode to unlock the Qi Clan character. Some friends don't know how the Qi Clan of the Vigorous Knight can release the laser when playing Qi Clan, that is, the hidden skill of the Qi Clan, also known as the tortoise Qigong. Let's have a look at it with the editor.

Vigorous Knight Cracking Complete edition

Vital Knight Qi Clan Hidden Skill:

It requires a couple of times (the weapon must be the character's initial weapon, the weapon is not full level, the character can also release this skill normally) to click the skill, and then a 6 times press the skill again, the point is a small shock wave, the longer the storage power, the larger the shock wave

 Vigorous Knight's Qi Clan's Hidden Skill How does the Qi Clan use the laser (Tortoise Qigong)

Vigorous knights don't know each other until they fight. Qi Clan unlocks

Completion method

1. Players need to turn on the Guardian Temple mode first.

2. Find and defeat the NPC Qizong in the Guardian Temple mode.

3. After defeating Qizong, players can achieve the goal of "no fight, no acquaintance".

 Vigorous Knight's Qi Clan's Hidden Skill How does the Qi Clan use the laser (Tortoise Qigong)

Introduction to the Position of Vigorous Knight Qi Sect

1. First, players need to come first forest The lower left corner of the level.

2. After entering the lower left corner, the player will reach the monkey level.

3. In the lower right corner of the monkey level, players can find the Qi Clan.

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Why can't my Qi Clan send Qigong Wave?

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