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Where can I play the series painting game? How can I play the series painting game

Source: Leyou sorting Date: June 22, 2021 15:04:04 Author: Leyou
962 home page Online and mobile games mobile game → Where can I play the serial painting game? How can I play the serial painting game

[Leyou Guide] Where do you play the serial painting? How to play the serial painting game? The rules of the game of serial painting. The game of serial painting is a very popular and interesting painting game recently. It adopts exquisite painting style design and novel game playing mode, allowing players to enter different levels while observing, painting, killing time, educating, and exercising their brains. Those who are interested in it should take a look!

Where do you play the serial painting? How to play the serial painting game? The rules of the game of serial painting. The serial painting immortal is a very popular one recently interest painting Challenge game , adopts exquisite painting style design and novel game playing mode, allowing players to enter different levels while observing, painting and Kill time , side Puzzle , while exercising your brain, let's have a look at it!

What is the serial painting app

The serial painting APP is a very interesting Interesting painting mobile game Cartoon fresh The game interface of click Operate, show yourself in different modes, and constantly complete various series The task of painting enables you to better enjoy the task of painting, improve your ability in all aspects, enrich your daily life, better express your heart, and give you the best a literary creation Experience.

Where can I play the serial painting game

The serial painting app has not been launched yet. You can click the link below to make an appointment!

Download the serial picture game:

Serial painting game software Android
Category: Android coming soon Time: 2021-06-22 size: 0KB Star rating:
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How to play the serial painting game

1. How to piece together a perfect figure is a problem you need to think about. You need to understand different puzzles;

2. Let you enter a realm of selflessness. At this time, only puzzles accompany you;

3. You should have a control over the timing of the jigsaw puzzle to ensure that you can complete the challenge within the specified time.

4. Carry out different game processes, and you will find that different levels in the game have different passing skills.

Rules of the game of serial painting

1. Painting is not only for the purpose of passing the game, but also for the specified plot scenes.

two draw On the one hand, the choice of color is also very important, and color difference will appear if the wrong color is selected.

3. It is necessary to describe the remaining or only damaged parts, which should conform to the actual situation.

Features of serial painting game

1. There are many different painting styles waiting for you to explore, and each mode is a different reward;

2、 simple Finger click operation, faster start, get more game colors;

3. Come and complete a wonderful match with your friends, and be happy combat , see who is the winner.

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