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The fifth personality: How to get the Light of Manor tag? How to unlock the Light of Manor tag

Source: Leyou sorting Date: 10/9/2020 10:31:32 Author: Leyou
962 home page Online and mobile games mobile game → Introduction to how to get the Light of Manor tag of the fifth personality

[Leyou Guide] How to obtain the light label of the fifth personality manor? The manor light is a career label in the fifth personality game, but the "manor light" has a high threshold. What are the unlocking conditions for obtaining the Light of the Manor? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a look.

 Fifth personality How to obtain the Manor Light label? Light of manor is the fifth personality game It is a career label in China, but the "Light of Manor" has a high threshold for obtaining. What are the unlocking conditions for obtaining the Light of the Manor? Let's follow Xiao Bian to have a look.

 The fifth personality: How to get the Light of Manor tag? How to unlock the Light of Manor tag

Introduction to obtaining the Light Label of Five Person Manor

Unlocking method: ranking first among all the ranking

In the latest update announcement of the fifth personality, some players noticed the following contents:

The quality of career label "Light of Manor" has been adjusted from rare to rare;

The origin concept description of the tag is added to the career tag, which can be displayed by long pressing the tag in the tag setting interface;

The manor career teaching evidence will be updated to 0:00 on February 23, 2021.

However, many players still do not know how to obtain this career label called Manor Light.

Players can view their manor career and the currently obtained career tags in their personal files.

The title of "Manor Light" can only be obtained if all the students are ranked first in the ranking, which usually means that they graduated with all the contents of the destination. Obviously, the people who can get the title of this career are the big shots.

Many players may not even have heard of this title before, nor have they ever thought of obtaining the Light of the Manor label from all the destinations of Kryptonite.

Conclusion: The light label of the fifth personality manor can be obtained only if it is tied for the first place in the destination list, which usually means that it is the graduation of the whole destination content. Details are as above.

The above is an introduction to how to unlock the Fifth Personality Manor Light tag, which was brought to you by Xiaobian on I hope it can help you.

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