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In which folder is the installation package downloaded by taptap? In which folder is the game downloaded by taptap

Source: Leyou sorting Date: April 2, 2020 14:32:28 Author: Leyou
962 home page Online and mobile games mobile game → In which folder is the installation package downloaded by taptap? In which folder is the game downloaded by taptap

[Leyou Guide] TapTap is a game community launched by EasyPlay (Shanghai) Network Technology Co., Ltd. Friends can enjoy a lot of game resources here, but some children do not know where the installation package downloaded by taptap is after downloading the game, and do not know where the folder of the installation package downloaded by taptap is. Let's take a look with the editor below.

TapTap is Easy to play ( Shanghai )Network science and technology Ltd game In the community, friends can enjoy many game resources here, but some children do not know where the installation package downloaded by taptap is after downloading the game, and do not know where the installation package downloaded by taptap is located. Let's take a look with the editor.

 In which folder is the installation package downloaded by taptap? In which folder is the game downloaded by taptap

Location of installation package downloaded by taptap:

First, you need to make sure that your Software It is not set to automatically delete the installation package after installing the game. The installation package of the game is in the tapaptmp folder

Taptap Android download:

The latest official version of tap v2.69.4 rel # 100200
Category: Android data package Time: 2024-05-22 size: 51.0M Star rating:
Download Now

 In which folder is the installation package downloaded by taptap? In which folder is the game downloaded by taptap

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 In which folder is the installation package downloaded by taptap? In which folder is the game downloaded by taptap

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 In which folder is the installation package downloaded by taptap? In which folder is the game downloaded by taptap

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