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Video of the main skill of the fifth personality yellow clothes Introduction of the main skill of the fifth personality yellow clothes

Source: Leyou sorting Date: June 22, 2018 11:21:38 Author: Leyou
962 home page Online and mobile games mobile game → Video of the main skill of the fifth personality yellow clothes Introduction of the main skill of the fifth personality yellow clothes

[Leyou Guide] The main character of the fifth personality yellow clothes is online. The fifth personality has been updated recently. The new role of the main character of yellow clothes is online. What are the skills of the main character of the fifth personality yellow clothes? The fifth personality, the Lord of Yellow Clothes, how to restrain? Here is a brief introduction to you. Let's have a look!

The main character of the fifth personality yellow clothes is online. The fifth personality has been updated recently. The new role of the main character of yellow clothes is online. What are the skills of the main character of the fifth personality yellow clothes? The fifth personality, the Lord of Yellow Clothes, how to restrain? Here is a brief introduction to you. Let's have a look!

The main skill of the fifth personality yellow clothes:

Physical skills:

Abyss Touch - Hastur can summon Abyss Touch to come location Set to release the touch of the abyss

Nightmare Attack - Hasta can control the Abyss Touch action, and select the nearest seek survival Smashing

Nightmare Gaze - Hasta can control the Abyss Touch activity and command it to hit the nearest survivor. At the same time, Hasta can gaze at the survivor. The survivor stared by Hasta will attract the Abyss Touch attack when passing the Abyss Touch. When Hasta gazes at the survivor, the cooldown time of the nightmare attack will be increased additionally

External characteristics:

The shape of fear - when a survivor stays in the fear radius for too long, gets hit, is bitten by a patroller, fails to calibrate, or a teammate falls to the ground or sits on a carnival chair, he will have fear, attracting the touch of the abyss to generate, and Hasta can also drive the touch of the abyss to hit nearby survivors.

The fifth personality: Lord of Yellow Clothes Restraint skills:

The main disadvantages of yellow clothes:

1. Slow moving speed

2. High pre judgment requirements

3. The tentacle can be disassembled without bursting point

4. The tentacle cannot be hit by partition or window, but the partition can be removed by survivors

The initial skill distance of the Lord of Yellow Clothes is long, but the movement speed is very slow, and the wiping time is also long. When being chased, the survivors can use "sharp turn" and other walking ways. As long as they avoid the attack of the Lord in Yellow, they can win the escape time.

The survivors should disperse and escape to avoid too many tentacles and being surrounded to death.

Before decoding, remove the nearby tentacles. The removal time is about 3s.

When the second level skill has not been unlocked, the survivor should try his best to decode it. When decoding, try to reduce the probability of machine bombing, otherwise new tentacles will appear around, reducing the probability of escape. Recommend machine king, or blind woman decoding.

Use the corner and walk around the column to make the tentacle empty in the place where there are many sundries. In the multi board area, Invincible The room can use the board window to restrain the owner of the yellow clothes, and his tentacles cannot beat people through the window.

The main tentacle of yellow clothes has a limited survival time. At the same time, there is only one tentacle near the carnival chair. Removing the tentacle will not trigger fear.

Survivors can choose to forcibly dismantle the tentacles before forcibly saving people.

Recommend magicians Mechanics Teachers use their skills to carry knives and save people. The above is how the Lord of Yellow Clothes, the fifth personality, can restrain himself? The summary and advantages and disadvantages of the master of yellow clothes' restraint skills explain the teaching content of the master of yellow clothes' restraint skills in detail, hoping to help everyone.

Official version of the fifth personality game 1.5.69
Category: Android role play Time: 2017-09-25 size: 1.89G Star rating:
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