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National Miracle How MU Married

Source: Original Leyou Date: June 25, 2015 20:00:16 Author: Leyou
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[Leyou Guide] Many players don't know about the marriage system when playing the National Miracle MU. I'll show you how the National Miracle MU got married today. I hope it can help you.

Many players don't know about the marriage system when playing the National Miracle MU. I'll show you how the National Miracle MU got married today. I hope it can help you.

After several days of continuous efforts on new professional swordsmen Blasting My friends must have already begun to look forward to the launch of the new version of "National Miracle MU". However, although the new version of theme It has been designated as "Return of Demon Sword", but how can only update one class to meet the desire of all players? What's more, this update is a one-time release of the content that has been stored for nearly two months by the R&D staff who forgot to eat and sleep!

today, In the spirit of risking life and death for the players, the editor finally "stole" another important information in the new version of "National Miracles MU" - the design of the marriage system file ! Let's go and have a look first~!

romantic Propose, your idea of him

In the new version of the upcoming "All People's Miracles MU", as long as you and your partner have reached 3 turns, you can open the marriage system, click on the marriage proposal interface, and enter the name of the other party, click "Propose" button, you can propose to your beloved!

At the same time, when proposing, young partners must choose an object as a token of love. "All my life", "I still love you", "For a long time"... Although various tokens of love are valuable, I believe that friends will naturally give generously for love as a promise of life~

Full service congratulations on the grand wedding banquet

Just like marriage in reality game After the proposal is successful, the couple can hold a wedding banquet and invite all players to congratulate them. Similarly, wedding banquet can also be divided into ordinary banquet, grand banquet and luxury banquet. Although the more luxurious the banquet, the more expensive it will be, how can the partners neglect their loved ones at the moment of this lifetime? As a part of the wedding, money and Red envelopes All proceeds from the banquet will be returned to the wedding organizers in a certain proportion.

Although the two pictures that Xiao Bian can provide for everyone to see are only the design drawings that have been greatly developed, not the actual pictures that will eventually appear in the game, the official launch of the marriage system is a matter of certainty.

As the friends of All People's Miracles MU who have a basic friend and sister in the game, the chance to start a romantic proposal, a grand wedding banquet and a lifelong marriage has finally opened. In July, let's Summer Hold your more fervent heart and shout "520! (I love you)" to your lover!

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