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Kung Fu Beggar Steam cracked version

(I can't bear to look at the coquettish painting style directly)

 Kung Fu Beggar

Kungfu Beggar is a domestic independent game recently launched as steam, which integrates platform jumping, action fighting, visual fiction, QTE, Eye care, welfare and other elements, is a masterpiece, which tells the story of Wu Zhuangyuan who passed through after becoming a beggar. The style of painting is very abstract, vivid and lifelike, and the voice in the game is all real voice!

Kungfu Beggar It's a product that has been on sale recently steam Domestic independence of game , integrated platform jump action Fighting, visual novel , QTE, eye pleasing welfare This is a masterpiece, which describes how the top martial artist passed through after becoming a beggar story , the painting style is very abstract, vivid, lifelike, and voice All of them Live voice oh

Introduction to the game

Kung Fu Beggar is a simulated TV game with 40 episodes, in which the player plays the leading role "Su Can" from being admitted to the first prize in martial arts to being demoted to a beggar... He has gone through the past life, pursued Pan Jinlian, and changed Wu Song's fate , players will have a different outcome every time they choose.

Kung Fu Beggar Game mosaic patch:

Author's game group deduction: 658651739, you can consult in the group if you encounter problems

Game evaluation

Kung Fu Beggar is a home-made adventure story with rough style, stiff action and wonderful plot. There are also some welfare elements in it. My brain is shaking, and I will call the police... This is a home-made game of god horse. It looks like a retarded person. Sorry, please forgive me. It was just a joke.

It's too abstract, vivid and lifelike. Go to wash your eyes first~

This strange style of painting, the movements of ghost animals, is a clear stream in domestic games

I don't know how to describe this painting style. It's probably skinny and cheap

And some scenes in the game must be of interest to many players!

Game features

1. A simulated teleplay game, players can play Su Can and travel through previous lives.

2. Like TV series, it has a complete story, 40 episodes in total, and now it is updated to 18 episodes;

3. Each episode is different.

4. When Su Can, the protagonist, appears in the fight scene, players can play the protagonist to simulate the operation to complete the fight,

Dealing with different enemies requires different martial arts, and each martial arts move is completely different.;

5. The game integrates suspense to solve cases, Solve a riddle , adventure, terror , fighting, Funny , crossing, etc;

6. Different choices of players in the game will lead to different development directions of the story.

Game plot

The main character "Su Can" was born into a bureaucratic family. He was uneducated and lecherous since childhood. His father was the second biggest hidden expert in the Jianghu. Unfortunately, Su Can was unwilling to learn martial arts. Later, Su Can's family was killed by an enemy. Su Can opened the adventure of looking for an enemy in the Jianghu

In the part of looking for an enemy, players need to play Su Can, find clues to solve the case, and avoid the traps set by the enemy. Wrong judgments will lead to Su Can's death, and the game will end early.

Su Can ventured all the way to the haunted house, saved the ghost "Nie Xiaoqian", had a one night stand with Nie Xiaoqian, and gained a hundred years of internal skill... Later, the ghost was reincarnated, became Su Can's wife, and renewed the relationship with Su Can

Su Can met an immortal in the haunted house and sent a magic mirror. Su Can saw in the mirror that her previous life was "Wu Song", so she decided to go through the previous life and change her destiny. In the previous life, she fell in love with her sister-in-law Pan Jinlian and changed history …….

Su Can went to Liangshan with his sister-in-law Pan Jinlian, defeated 108 heroes in Liangshan, became the leader and changed the fate of heroes in Liangshan...... Players can experience the plot of Water Margin

Su Can took part in the martial arts contest to recruit relatives. Her skills outnumbered those of other heroes and won the first prize beauty One night, the beauty can only marry Su Can if she becomes the champion of martial arts

Su Can starts the process of taking the champion test. In the champion test, players need to defeat all opponents and win the top list before the plot can proceed. In the end, Su Can won the champion

Su Can was framed by an enemy and demoted by the emperor as a beggar. He started the begging mode, and players played the role of beggars existence pattern.

In the process of begging, Su Can knew Lu Youjiao. Lu Youjiao told Su Can that what she was holding was actually a fight dog Great, I suggest Su Can run for the Sect Leader

Su Can met his father, Su Da, and found that his father was not dead, so he made a living in the Beggars' Sect. Su Da passed on Dugu Jiujian to Su Can, who told her that the enemy of the whole family was the leader of the Demon Sect. Su Can decided to challenge

Su Can was seriously injured by the leader of the Demon Sect, fell into the valley, and just met goddess Sect Leader Hua Mulan

She was poisoned by love flowers. She needed a man to have sex to detoxify her. Hua Mulan had to rape Su Can. Su Can and Hua Mulan loved each other and gained 80% of Hua Mulan's internal skill. Su Can's skill increased greatly and her strength recovered

Configuration requirements

Minimum configuration:

Operating system: Windows 7 or later

Processor: Dual core processor

Memory: 2 GB RAM

Graphics: Works fine on integrated laptop graphics like Intel HD 3000

Storage space: 2 GB free space required

Notes: The keyboard and mouse are needed

game video

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