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Via browser Apple

Private and exclusive browser for quiet party

 Via browser Apple
  • Classification: IPhone life software
  • Language: chinese
  • size: 34.1M
  • to update: 2017-08-09 09:17
  • edition: v3.1.9
  • Environmental Science: Apple IOS

label: Via Browser search

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 Screenshot 0 of via browser Apple v3.1.9
 Screenshot 1 of via browser Apple v3.1.9
 Screenshot 2 of via browser Apple v3.1.9
 Via browser Apple v3.1.9 screenshot 3
Screenshot of the game via Apple


《via browser Personally customized private browser, no disorderly advertising push, and the background running does not get stuck when it is turned on, search No turning.

Introduction to the page, all functions can be set independently, blocking all rogue push, but you can search all the resources you want. Don't know your heart, but know your kidney.

Software introduce

Via's design philosophy is

We don't want to tell you hard weather Good or bad

I don't want to force you to focus on who Star Who did you gossip with again

We don't want to pretend to understand you

Just put what you want in front of you

We hope you can enjoy the light and simple browsing experience you deserve

Software features

You won't encounter rogue app again. If you use via, you will find that the sky is so blue and the grass is so fresh Of course, browsers can still have no advertisements? Yes, it is. There is no push, no page ads. You just need to click on it and search for what you want. We won't bother you with other things, and this silence doesn't even need you to set it up specifically.

2. Flea size. Cheetah's speed. It doesn't get stuck when starting up, and it doesn't turn when searching. This is the biggest highlight of Via. In fact, many browsers can run in the background, but they consume power and traffic, but via is different. I run in the background not to push you nonsense messages, but to be ready to serve you.

3. The customized browser is different from other browsers in that its pages are set by users themselves. for example theme Skin, showing the size and location of the picture, switching between computer and mobile phone modes, etc., are both detailed and practical.

software function

Unlike other independent browsers that need to be restarted each time they are opened, the Android System WebView is part of the Android system and has been dormant in the background for a long time with ultra-low power consumption. When the VIA browser is opened, this engine can be instantly awakened and called, which can significantly shake off other browsers in terms of response speed.

If you are just a simple advertisement Journalism Enthusiasts, or live broadcast Advertisers, I can only say that this software is not suitable for you, because via can block all advertisements and push on any page.

simple It is said that when you download a browser, you may receive countless push messages, but when you download via, it is absolutely impossible for your mobile phone to receive the push messages sent by via. Why? Because we shield everything, people talk hard, and we take the high cold and high efficiency route. If other browsers are compared to chattering little followers, then via is very cold bodyguard , only responsible for doing things, not responsible for blind bb!

Brief review of software

What is the purpose of using browsers? I think it should be search, for example, see novel , look video , search for some gossip or unexpected things you want to know. Browsers are useful anyway, but the gossip you search for and the gossip you push and receive are two different things, I think.

I hate advertising and I hate backstage service very much. In a word, when you start up, you are stuck in all kinds of things and can't search for all kinds of things (it has nothing to do with the Internet speed), but you can push 800 messages a day. What's more, what shocked the talent out of the department, what did you do in the middle of the night, what is behind the stars story Wait a minute. In short, it's annoying, and I don't know how to ban these things.

In this case, I met via. I don't need to set it up. In short, there is no browser to push. It's a browser that people can't put down after experiencing harassment. It never gets stuck when starting up. It's a browser with five star search speed Confession

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Via browser Apple v3.1.9 download

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