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Mars Survival Strategy Building Construction Method

Source: Leyou sorting Date: 9:58:43, March 19, 2018 Author: Leyou
962 home page Introductory Script Introduction → Building construction method of Mars survival strategy

[Leyou Guide] Survival on Mars is a simulated construction game, but the game background is set in Mars, and players can ensure survival by building various buildings. If you encounter problems in this game, you may want to take a look at the following introduction.

Mars seek survival It's a simulation build class game However, the background of this game is set in Mars, and players can guarantee that by building various buildings existence If you encounter difficulties in this game, you may wish to take a look at the following introduction.

Construction of dome

The dome is the first and most critical facility for the player's fleet to complete the colonial operation. This facility can provide for the colonists whose fleet is about to land on Mars life , entertainment, work Childcare The environment for all activities.

First, select the dome sub item in the construction menu. There are three types of domes in the game: basic, medium and giant. The medium and giant domes need to be completed science and technology Only after the research and development of related technologies in the tree can it be unlocked.

The larger the dome, the more colonists create The larger the living environment, the larger the scale of supporting facilities required. When building the dome, players should choose the scale according to the distribution of resource points and the amount of resources they have obtained.

The blue area in the above figure is the construction and service area of the dome. When selecting the construction area, priority should be given not to be too far away from the water resource points. Secondly, as shown above, the dome has three small pipe connections. When building the dome, there should be a general planning location of water and oxygen supply facilities in mind. The direction of the pipe connection area of the supply/use facilities should be relatively appropriate.

The concept of service area is that the colonists living in the dome can leave the dome to work build To ensure the availability of human resources, we must build our own human, industrial and agricultural plants in the sub region.

The service area of the dome is very important, and the metal and precious metal resource points must be covered in the service area (outside the dome) to ensure the normal establishment collection The manpower factory.

To sum up, when the location of metal and precious metal resource points is far away from the distribution of water resource points, the service area should first cover the resource points, and it is better to use longer pipelines to transport water resources from the water plant transport To the dome.

Supporting facilities of the dome:

Water supply

A single dome is just a sealed space of a dome. What we need to do next is to make the interior environment of the dome livable by building life support equipment.

There are four basic requirements for the living environment of the dome: electricity, water, oxygen, food, and the construction of electrical equipment simple , needless to say, the water plant will be built here as an example.

Select the water resource excavation station from the sub item of life support facilities in the construction menu, and set the water resource excavation station near the water resource point. The total utilization amount of water resources will not change due to the slight change of the plant location, which is different from the concrete excavation station.

After the supply of water resources excavation stations is completed, water towers can be selected to be built around the excavation stations in the life support facilities sharing of the construction menu. The water tower can reserve the surplus water produced by the excavation stations. When the water plant cannot operate normally, the water storage can be supplied to the dome. Finally, the water tower, excavation station and dome can be connected by the pipes in the same sub item to complete the water supply step.

The supply of electricity is common to all facilities and will not be described separately.

The water plant will also produce waste rocks due to resource exploitation. A waste rock stacking site will be set up nearby, and no one will have the opportunity to automatically transport the generated waste rocks to the stacking area.

Oxygen supply

Select Mars oxygen in the sanitation sub item of the construction menu collect The device is established near the pipe opening in the other direction of the dome. Similarly, the direction is adjusted during construction, and the pipe connections in both directions are aligned with the expected layout direction of the dome and the oxygen tank.

The construction of the oxygen tank and the connection of the pipeline are identical to the construction steps of the water plant. As shown in the figure, two complete oxygen supply equipment are connected to the dome.

Both water supply and oxygen supply need to use pipes for transmission. Pipeline valves in the same construction sub item can be built on the completed pipeline (green dot position in the figure above) control For the transmission of resources in the pipeline, it is recommended to install valves on the pipeline connecting the oxygen tank, water tower and dome, and close this standby pipeline when the water and oxygen plants are in normal operation.

At this time, click the dome to view the status of the facilities. It can be found that the water and electricity supply has reached the standard.

Food supply:

Food is also an important part of the dome's living environment. The facilities for creating food are the farm (main) and the restaurant in the dome's internal facilities. Here, the farm is taken as an example.

There are three types of farms that can be built: farms, hydroponic farms and fungal farms. The first two types of farms are built in the buildable area inside the dome, and fungal farms need to be built in the service area of the dome.

The three types of farms all need manpower. Hydroponics farms need additional power. This part is supported by the total power supply of the dome. Fungal farms need additional power, oxygen and water. Pipes/wires need to be used to connect with oxygen, water supply/power supply equipment.

The food output of hydroponic farms and farms is completely determined by the manpower input, while the minimum output of fungal farms is 5 points.

As shown in the above figure, the fungal farm should be built between oxygen and water supply facilities to facilitate the transmission of water and gas resources.

Connect the transmission pipeline and electric wire to complete the establishment of the fungus farm, and then only manual input can make it work normally.

Protective equipment for dome and life support facilities

After the completion of the construction of the farm, it can be said that the dome has a basic living environment. Next, we need to consider the protection of the dome and the living facilities against natural disasters.

Geological heater

The geological heater can be found in the first item of the construction menu (this equipment needs to complete the corresponding scientific research project unlocking). The main function of this equipment is to improve the ambient temperature of the buildings in the functional area.

The primary function of the geological heater is to protect the water supply facilities from the cold wave.

The geological heater needs power and water, and should be built near the water plant.

After the water and point supply of the geological heater is completed, it can start to work. Click the equipment, and the slider in the equipment bar in the upper right corner of the screen can adjust the scope of the equipment, and its working energy consumption (electric energy) will also increase (0~40) as the working range increases.

When the colonial environment is stable and there is no cold wave, you can choose to turn off the geological heater to reduce power consumption.

Pulse dedusting device

This device and the geological heater are in the same construction sub item, and the corresponding scientific research and development project needs to be unlocked.

The main function of this device is to consume electric energy and emit pulses eliminate The floating dust within the working range is used to protect power generation equipment (such as Tesla generator) from dust storms weather It can also operate normally.


This device and the geological heater are in the same construction sub item, and the corresponding scientific research and development project needs to be unlocked.

This device is mainly used to intercept meteorites (natural disaster: meteor shower) in the action area and protect facilities under the air defense area. The interception area is relatively large, but each time Shooting There is a short cooling time after.

Although the device covers a large area, it has a shooting cooling time. It is recommended to set multiple devices near valuable facilities.

The establishment of the colony

Transporting colonists

After completing the configuration of all the above equipment, the colonists can be moved to the dome to complete the colonial steps.

Press the P key or click the option in the lower left corner to open the supply menu.

Select the passenger rocket in the supply interface that appears.

Next, the candidate screening interface as shown above will appear. The three lines of data below the passenger rocket information column in the upper right corner are respectively: the number of qualified candidates, the passenger carrying capacity of the passenger rocket (the sponsor selected by the author is China, with 10 more passengers), and the number of residents that can be accommodated on Mars (this will be mentioned later).

The main screening items from top to bottom are: age structure, special skills, gender, characteristics, personality, and eccentricities.

Age structure: children , young people, young people, adults, middle-aged people aged Children and the elderly have no ability to work. If there is not a certain degree of livable conditions in the dome, there will be no child candidates.

Gender: male female sex Others. If you don't want new life to be born in the dome, you can choose a single gender screening condition( click Buttons for thumbs up and thumbs down on the right side of the option).


All candidates are divided into seven categories according to their respective skills: no specialty, scientists, engineers, security, geologists, botanists and medical staff. Those with expertise can respectively engage in the work required in the dome, for example, botanists are engaged in the production of three types of farms, and geologists can work in the excavation stations of metals and precious metals.

Players should choose the filter items with special skills according to the main needs and development direction of the established colony.


Each candidate has characteristics, as shown in the above figure, workaholic characteristics: work performance increases by 20%, and is not affected by overtime; Star : increase funds for the colonies; Believers: They have high morale, and will not commit suicide when their reason decreases.


The personality of the candidate, such as the lazy personality shown in the above figure: the overall work performance has declined by 20%. The candidate is a diversified individual. For example, the lazy personality may also have both expertise and star characteristics. Players need to consider the priority clearly when screening.


The eccentricities are divided into tutors, tourists and vegetarians. Tourists will not participate in the work of the colony and will leave when the livability is not high.

After filtering all the options, click the review screener at the bottom of the screen, and a roster of all applicants who meet the screening conditions will appear. 42 of them will be manually selected to pass the review.

After completing the review of 42 candidates, click Launch at the lower right corner of the screen to board the candidates.

Colonists' living environment

The preparation and transportation of rockets will take a long time, during which the living environment in the dome can be improved.

The first thing to ensure is the accommodation conditions of the colonists, who are building houses with menus/ education /Four types of housing can be found in the R&D sub item: smart mansions, smart residences, dormitories, and apartments. Single buildings provide accommodation from high to low, and the comfort provided to residents is also decreasing.

When building a new colony, we should consider adding more workers to the limited dome to provide more production capacity for the colony. Therefore, apartments are a priority choice. Comfort in the dome can be improved by building cutting-edge and landscape buildings.

The green area inside the dome is a buildable area. When building is selected, the area is divided into several small squares. The construction direction and location should be adjusted appropriately to maximize the use of the limited construction area.

After the construction of accommodation, entertainment, landscape and other buildings in the dome is completed, the passenger carrying rockets should also be ready for deployment. When they land near the dome, the colonists will enter the dome by themselves and automatically enter the work place requiring manual work according to their expertise.

After clicking the dome where the colonists live, the overall health, reason, livability and morale of the colonists will appear in the building information.

As shown in the above figure, the overall livability in the dome will list the factors that lead to the reduction of livability in detail: for example, the shopping The demand has not been met - no eligible buildings have been built. If a grocery store (dome service construction sub item) is built in the dome, the dissatisfaction of these five colonists can be eliminated, and the livability will also increase.

It should be noted that the normal operation of the dome service building also requires the transfer of manpower. Do not put too much emphasis on meeting the satisfaction of the colonists and delay the production capacity of the colony.

When the habitability of the colonists rises to a certain value and turns green, the colony will begin to have the opportunity to give birth to newborns.

The number of newborn babies in the colony can be said to be mixed. Fortunately, the number of the colony can be increased without dispatching passenger rockets. But it is worrisome that once children are of this age, in order to meet the needs of colonists at this age, educational facilities such as kindergartens and game facilities such as amusement parks need to be built in the dome.

The buildings in the colony that need manpower include: service buildings in the dome (such as security stations hospital ), farms, metal and precious metal excavation stations.

As mentioned above, the mining of metal and precious metal resource points requires the construction of corresponding excavation stations, both of which require manpower (the colonists are engineers).

Taking precious metal mining as an example, as shown in the figure above, first build precious metal excavation stations on the resource points within the dome service area, and complete the power supply demand of the excavation stations.

When the precious metal excavation station Mechanics After the construction is completed, the colonists with the expertise of engineers in the dome will be automatically arranged in the schedule.

As shown in the above figure, the precious metal excavation station can be assigned to work in three shifts at most, arranged in 8 hours, with a maximum of four people per shift. The staff will automatically go to work during their own working hours, at which time the excavation station will automatically operate (applicable to all buildings requiring manual work).

The capacity of a building with labor demand depends entirely on the scheduling. If you want to increase the capacity of the building, you can increase the shifts and staff of the building to make the building operate 24 hours a day.

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