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Hundreds of millions of zombie attack task process skills

Source: Leyou sorting Date: 2017/12/6 14:35:38 Author: Leyou
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[Leyou Guide] Billions of zombies are a doomsday survival construction game. In the game, players need to build their own bases to complete survival tasks, and may encounter zombie attacks at any time. How to build a solid fortress is a problem for players to think about. Let's take a look at the following game introduction.

millions upon millions corpse It's a Doomsday survival build game In the game, players need to build their own bases to complete survival tasks, and may encounter zombies at any time. How to build a solid fortress is a problem that players need to think about. Let's take a look at the following introduction.

1、 Basic settings

The current game is a beta version, plot The task process is not open yet, and the main task is survival.

In fact, this game can be regarded as a survival RTS game.

collection The purpose of building, expanding and rampaging troops is not to conquer opponents, but to survive against the attack of opponents (zombies).

The game is not very configured.

Although the control mode can select the standard direction key control The lens or WASD key controls the lens, but in fact, the mouse operation is mainly used.

When you use the standard camera mode, the A/S key controls the attack and stop. Otherwise, the Q/Z key completes the attack.

Personally, most people are still used to the WASD mode (called laptop mode in the game).

You need to select to enter the game Map , duration and number of zombies.

Map Terrain: More maps will be unlocked as you complete the initial map. Different maps will make the game experience very different.

For example, the size and continuity of the buildable area, the distribution range and abundance of resources, the distribution and function of various field buildings, etc. Choose different maps and you will have different games strategy And experience, so the sustainability of the game is very high, and a map may let you play for a long time.

Game duration: from 150 days to 80 days, the difficulty gradually increases. This is related to the number of zombies below see The following explanation.

Number of zombies: from few to many, the difficulty gradually increases. This only refers to the total number of zombies in the whole game period. If you choose a long game days, the frequency of zombies will be relatively lower and the scale will be smaller. If you choose a short game duration and a large number of zombies, zombies will attack you with a high frequency, and the number of zombies attacked each time will be large, defense It will face great pressure and become more and more difficult.

Finally, the game will have a score coefficient according to the length of time, the number of zombies and the map. Naturally, the higher the score, the harder it will be.

Choose according to your own understanding of the game. Novice suggests increasing the game duration first, so that you can understand the architecture, arms and familiar with the game rhythm

2、 Getting Started Guide

1. Menu/Interface

Basic operation after entering the game interaction The target is as shown in the figure:

① ② Oil, ore (brick red), iron (black) and other collectable resources.

③ The resources that can be picked up by soldiers when they are close to each other usually need to be discovered or destroyed.

④ Build your own buildings to maintain and develop your settlement area and resist zombies by building various functional buildings.

⑤ Controllable soldiers are used to explore, obtain resources, defend against zombies or launch attacks on other areas.

The function and operation menu is divided into the following seven areas:

① Mini map: View the world area and focus on the location of zombies (red) and friendly units (green).

② Time: The number of days that the game has passed. According to the duration of the game you choose, zombie attacks will become more fierce in the later stage. You can choose to pause the game for thinking and layout.

③ Team: use Ctrl+number keys to form a team for your convenience.

④ Unit information: You can click the target details of buildings, arms, etc.

⑤ Construction menu: select a building to build.

⑥ Function menu: select the main base for comprehensive repair and setting menu.

⑦ Resources: all your mineral resources, human resources and energy.

The building details include:

Defense life: When the zombie attack exceeds the defense life, the building will be broken, and the people inside will be attacked and turned into zombies.

Resource supply( gold , workers, food, energy): the ability of buildings to provide these resources, usually to provide a certain amount of certain resources every other period of time.

Transmission: The ability to transmit resources. Only the regions where resources can be transmitted can carry out colonial expansion.

Storage: the upper limit of storage resources.

Field of view: the range of the area that can be observed.

Maintenance: The resources needed to maintain this building. It is usually consumed at a fixed pace.

Worker demand: the number of workers used.

Company details include:

Armor: Reduces damage taken.

Speed: The distance traveled per second.

Attack range: range. The distance in the game is basically calculated according to the grid (obvious grid division can be seen during construction)

Attack damage: damage caused by each attack.

Attack speed: the frequency of launching attacks.

Experience: Experience gained by killing enemies can increase the strength of the unit.

Field of vision: detection range.

Worker demand: the unit may need workers to control.

Maintenance cost: similar to buildings, it is spent regularly.

The unit mainly moves and interacts by clicking the mouse, but you can also use the function buttons in the red box.

The function buttons can realize the functions of moving, stopping, defending in place, attacking (flat A), patrolling and exploring.

At the same time, with the target priority button (attack the nearest or most powerful target first), you can designate troops to garrison, patrol and attack, which can simplify your operations.

You can also use the button shown by the arrow to dissolve the unit and get 50% of the resources returned (the same is true for buildings).

2. Energy/transmission

The game has the concept of transmission range. You can only build buildings within the transmission range of energy.

This range can be expanded by building control centers.

The best way is naturally to build the control center at the limit of the transmission position, so that the expanded transmission area is the largest.

For example, in the figure, the green area on the left of the red line is the current transmission range, and the green block on the right is the construction location of the control center. After repair, the right area can be built.

The control center is the guarantee of territorial extension. You need to gradually expand the transmission range to make your colony grow.

At the same time, the expansion of the scope and defense are also a contradiction, and rash advance often causes more losses.

Step by step, the expansion of defense in place can bring stable development.

Energy is represented by the symbol of electricity, which actually acts as electricity.

Buildings need to consume energy. Without energy, they cannot work normally.

Therefore, building sufficient energy buildings to ensure energy supply is also an indispensable part of colonial development.

3. Resources/construction


The population in the game is an important resource. Only enough people can build buildings and make them work normally.

The market and other buildings still have population requirements. If they cannot meet the population requirements, they cannot be built.

The population can be promoted by building houses (tents at the beginning, and more advanced residential buildings will be built with the development).


Food is also an essential resource to maintain population development.

Initial construction hunting The hut gets food (there are farms and other buildings in the middle and later stages).

Pay attention to the building range and center number when building.

The green highlighted grid represents the influence range of the building.

Some buildings have the function of improving the efficiency of surrounding buildings, so it is necessary to include as many relevant buildings as possible into its scope of influence.

The influence scope of some buildings (mainly resource buildings) indicates the efficiency of their work. The superposition of the influence scope of several similar buildings is equivalent to mutual interference. The overall efficiency will be lower, so they need to be built separately.

At this time, pay attention to the value of the center, which represents the output of the resource per unit time.

Different acquisition buildings have not interfered with each other before, so you can pay attention to the mutual confusion during layout.


Stone is the brick red stone on the ground in the figure, which can be obtained by building a quarry.

Stone is the main resource for building the second stage, which can be collected at the initial stage.


Wood is the main construction resource in the early stage.

You need to build a logging yard near the forest to collect.

Wood collection should be started as soon as possible as one of the primary goals.


Gold is used to maintain buildings and armies and trade in markets and special buildings in the wild.

Gold is mainly obtained through population (building residential buildings), and many buildings can also increase the output of gold.

Gold materials distributed in the wild can also be obtained through exploration.

Gold is an important resource throughout the game, and is valuable at every stage.

Iron and oil

Iron and oil, similar to wood and stone, are phased resources.

The game is divided into four stages with the development of wood, stone, iron and oil.

The main resources used in different stages are different.

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