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Function image generator app online (Symbolab function)

An app that can draw function images

 Function image generator app online (Symbolab function)
  • Classification: Android Utilities
  • Language: chinese
  • size: 23.0M
  • to update: 2024-03-20 15:56
  • edition: Android free v10.5.1
  • Environmental Science: Android

label: Function image generation Mobile phone software Official website: None

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 Function image generator app online (Symbolab function) Android free v10.5.1 screenshot 0
 Function image generator app online (Symbolab function) Android free v10.5.1 screenshot 1
 Function image generator app online (Symbolab function) Android free v10.5.1 screenshot 2
 Function Image Generator app online (Symbolab function) Android free v10.5.1 Screenshot 3
Screenshot of the game "Function Image Generator app online (Symbolab function)"


Function Image Generator App Online To meet your various calculation needs, it provides a variety of scientific calculation formulas and methods. You can calculate and draw function images according to the operations it provides. It will generate the function graph statistics you want according to the results you give.

Software Introduction]

Function image generator App is a software that can automatically generate various function images. Select different formulas and enter parameters to form corresponding function graphs. It also includes various study curriculum Users can go to the free learning and famous teachers' lecture hall to bring you more help.

 Function image generator app online (Symbolab function)

[Software Features]

In a change process, the variable that changes is called variable (in mathematics, it is often x, while y changes with the value of x). Some values do not change with the variable, we call it

Is a constant.

Independent variable (function): a variable associated with another quantity. Any value of this quantity can find a corresponding fixed value in the other quantity.

Dependent variable (function): it changes with the change of independent variable, and when the independent variable takes a unique value, the dependent variable (function) has and only has a unique value corresponding to it.

Function value: in a function where y is x, x determines a value, and y then determines a value. When x takes a, y then determines b, and b is called a

[Software highlights]

1. Very professional function calculation and learning platform

2. One click to generate a function image, which solves the function calculation problem and makes the function calculation easier.

3. Select a large number of high-quality courses, easy to learn, rich courses, online learning function knowledge.

[Software advantages]

1. Provide a large number of courses, online learning more simple

2. Mobile phone graphic calculator makes calculation easier

3. With complete functions, there are many high-quality courses

Software Evaluation

It's super easy to use a scientific calculator software for function. You can use it to more intuitively understand and learn mathematical or other equations. You can calculate the value of expressions containing various functions. Users who need it can download it quickly!

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Application information

  • Package name: com.devsense.symbolab
  • name: Symbolab
  • edition: 10.5.1
  • MD5: ba6763a4596ad0573c4644b284d7124a
  • Record No.:
  • Download address
Special instructions:

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Function image generator app online (Symbolab function) Android free v10.5.1 download

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