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International version of rice tour agency hoyolab

Let us better communicate with each other

 International version of rice tour agency hoyolab
  • Classification: Android Utilities
  • Language: chinese
  • size: 83.0M
  • to update: 2024-06-12 18:06
  • edition: V2.56.0 domestic login version
  • Environmental Science: Android

label: Hoyolab Mobile phone software Official website:

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 Screenshot 0 of international version of rice tour agency hoyolabv2.56.0 for domestic login
 Screenshot 1 of international version of rice tour agency hoyolabv2.56.0 for domestic login
 Screenshot 2 of international version of Hoyolab v2.56.0 domestic version
 Screenshot 3 of international version of Hoyolab v2.56.0 domestic version
Screenshot of the game "International version of rice tour agency hoyolab"


International edition Miyolab For Primordial god game The game communication community software produced and designed by fans, in which we can communicate freely, no matter what problems we encounter in the original god game or life Some daily sharing and so on in are completely possible, and users can view the latest game introduction information and version updates and changes at first hand!

Introduction to hoyolab software of international version of rice tour club

The official community of HoYoLAB, the original god tour agency, was launched specifically for the official community of Miha tour Mobile phone software Here, you can better understand the highlights brought by different social services, and you can also view and understand various activities online in a timely manner. It is simpler to view different information in real time, and users can better understand that different game resources are in it.

Advantages of hoyolab software of international version of rice tour agency

Here, players can:

Communicate, discuss and visit the community, and get to know friends;

Enrich the content of algorithm recommendation, and quickly review all kinds of good posts;

Interesting news sharing Colleague a literary creation , stimulate ideas;

Official information wonderful activities, master the game rhythm

Utilities High quality strategies to improve the game experience.

Come to HoYoLAB and find a more interesting life~

 HoYoLAB Official Community of Yuanshenmi Travel Agency

International version of the hoyolab software

book application The version is an international version, which requires scientific internet access

International version of rice tour agency hoyolab software features

1. The mobile phone software launched for the official community of Miha Tour can better understand the highlights of different social services.

2. In addition, it can also view and understand various activities online in a timely manner, and it is more concise to view different information in real time.

3. Users can also better understand that different game resources are in it.

International version of rice tour agency hoyolab software highlights

1. There are a lot of paintings with people cosplay and strategy Guide, which can interest players from all walks of life. Resources can also be provided.

2. Players can track their statistics forum Discussion on theme , learn about upcoming events, etc.

3. HoYoLAB allows Genshin Impact players to view their in-game statistics. If players sign in every day,

4. HoYoLAB also held some community activities, making it a useful center for Genshin Impact players to communicate.

5. Include daily sign in notice. HoYoLAB makes it easier for proto players to log on to computers. Complete their daily tasks.

Hoyolab failed to load?

It may be that the preconditions are not set properly.

Protodivine International service The corresponding is the overseas rice tour agency hoyolab.

When the preconditions are ready

Open the bottom right corner of the software ontology point, and then there will be four login methods. If there is no one, register below the point, and then enter your mailbox And set the password.

The original god international version hoyolab community app is a software that focuses on the official community functions of the foreign service of Miha Tour. It is more convenient for players of foreign service to use various functions on the software, which greatly facilitates mobile phone users. Say goodbye to the bad experience of the web version, and easily complete daily tasks through the APP. Come and download it!

Can't hoyolab get on in China

In order for foreign players to better understand the game, an app called "Hoyolab" has been launched. In fact, some big players are not unfamiliar with this name. Like the domestic Mi You Club, it belongs to the exchange of foreign original god players platform However, there are only H5 web pages. This time, it should be an extension to make it easier for players to operate on mobile phones. In fact, it is a foreign travel agency, which includes wikis of roles and materials, and Map Find the location of the materials in the game. The existence of this game tool has indeed made it convenient for many players. In the past, when they contacted the original gods, they always looked up information on the Internet, but now they can reach the goal in one step.

Software evaluation

Miha Tour has always been an important help software for novice players to quickly learn how to play the original god game. You can find the most comprehensive game introduction and communication experience among various characters in the international version of Miyou Joylab. For the original god game enthusiasts, this is a software application worth downloading!

Software advantages

1. There are a lot of peer paintings, role plays and strategy guides that can interest players from all walks of life. It can also provide resources;

2. Players can track their statistics, discuss topics on official forums, and learn about upcoming events;

3. HoYoLAB allows Genshin Impact players to view their in-game statistics. If players sign in every day;

4. HoYoLAB also held some community activities, making it a useful center for Genshin Impact players to communicate;

5. Include daily sign in notice. HoYoLAB makes it easier for proto players to log on to computers. Complete their daily tasks.

Update log


The application crash has been fixed, and the annoying bug has been caught. That is great!


Fixed some bugs


Updated some privacy policies


The application crashed and was repaired, and some nasty bugs were caught! And secretly bought a hot latte in the afternoon~

Click to see more

Application information

  • Package name: com.mihoyo.hoyolab
  • name: HoYoLAB
  • edition: 2.56.0
  • MD5: 6185a134a937bada1df368c0392796af
  • Record No.:
  • Download address
Special instructions:

Players who cannot enter the game normally are recommended to use the Youbangbang accelerator: >>>Click Download<<<

International version of rice tour agency hoyolab v2.56.0, domestic version download

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