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Fairy village game

Cute painting style simulation business game

 Fairy village game
  • Classification: Android leisure puzzle
  • Language: chinese
  • size: 118.4M
  • to update: 2024-06-07 17:24
  • edition: V0.14 Chinese version
  • Environmental Science: Android, stand-alone

label: Fairy Tale Village simulation of operation Official website: None

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 Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version screenshot 0
 Screenshot 1 of Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version
 Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version screenshot 2
 Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version screenshot 3
 Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version screenshot 4
 Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version screenshot 5
 Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version screenshot 6
Screenshot of Fairy Village Game


fairy tale Village F ai ry vill age It is full of magic And Fantasy Of simulation of operation game In this game, the player will play a fairy with magical power, responsible for establishing, managing and decorating a lovely Cottagecore community composed of fairies. In this charming fairy tale world, you will be with all kinds of lovely fairies life And jointly create a lively and beautiful fairy tale village.

Introduction to the game

A simulated dream! Build, manage and decorate a cottagecore community composed of lovely fairies

Meet the thumb girls! They are magical teenagers wandering in this land in search of their homes. Don't let them wander any more! In Fae forest Deep down, a perfect oasis has appeared. It's time to settle down and take root!

 Fairy village game

Game play

build One dream Like a village!

-Build a home for thumb girls!

-Expand your village to meet their needs!

Wandering people will not get lost!

-Lovely thumbs from all over the world will come to your magic community.

-Turn tourists into new citizens of your village!

-With the development of your village, you will be able to receive more thumbs!

start adventure Come on!

-Tiny girls are explorers in essence. Send them to explore!

- collect a treasure house The thumb girls will travel Bring back trinkets and resources.

-Unlock a new destination for your thumb baby Explore.

-Assemble your team The unique skills of each thumb will determine the outcome of the expedition. Choose the best thumb for every adventure!

Customization, decoration and imagination!

-Use the resources of the Thumbwird Expedition Team to build or upgrade their houses.

-Unlock multiple sheets wallpaper , furniture, decorations and roofs.

-Show your thumb baby's personality through customizable shapes, clothes and hairstyles!

Game features

Rich construction and management elements: in Fairy Village, players can freely plan the layout of the community and build various functional buildings, such as houses Shop , workshops, etc. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the needs of the residents, allocate resources reasonably, and ensure the harmonious operation of the community.

Unique decoration and customization system: The game provides a wealth of decoration items and customization options, and players can decorate communities and residents' homes according to their personal preferences. From furniture, wallpaper to outdoor landscape, personalized customization can be carried out to make your fairy tale village unique.

interaction Social experience: in Fairy Village, players can interact with lovely fairy residents to understand their story To help them solve problems. At the same time, you can also invite friends to join the game, jointly build and manage the community, and enjoy being with friends create Of fun.

How to play in the fairy tale village

1. First, the player needs to download the game. After the game is downloaded, it can be opened directly and entered into the game click You can skip the screen directly plot Has.

2. Then you can choose a elf, and you can go into the forest to explore.

3. Then you can go to the store to buy clothes for the elves that you think are beautiful.

4. Open the window you see and click on the hat.

5. You can put on a nice mushroom hat for your favorite elf, and then you can directly run a beautiful village.

6. In the game, you can decorate your home freely, and drag the furniture to place it in a proper position

7. Players can also take risks and get rewards when they return

8. You can buy all kinds of furniture, decorations, clothes, etc. you need in the store

9. In addition, you can build new houses

10. Random guests may also visit


At the beginning of the game, players came to a forgotten fairyland village surrounded by dense trees. Players will first get a vacant land, where they can freely build houses, plant flowers and plants, and bring beauty and vitality to the village.

Players need to choose suitable plots to build houses, and arrange the layout of houses according to different residents' needs. Residents will need appropriate living conditions, such as comfortable beds, furniture and recreational facilities. stay Village construction At the initial stage, players can gradually acquire resources and building materials by completing different tasks.

In addition to building houses, planting flowers and plants is also an important task in the game. Players can plant all kinds of flowers and plants in the open space to bring beautiful flowers to the village. Different flowers and plants need different maintenance methods. Players need to water, fertilize and trim flowers and plants reasonably according to their characteristics to maintain their growth status.

With the expansion of the village, players will unlock more functions and challenges. Players can communicate and cooperate with other village leaders to share construction experience and resources. Players can also participate in various activities, such as flower and grass exhibitions, architectural design competitions, etc., to show their talents and creativity.

Game review

Fairy Village, with its beautiful pictures, rich game content and unique game playing methods, has brought players a dream like fairytale journey. In this game, players can give full play to their imagination and creativity to create a unique fairy tale village. At the same time, the interaction with the lovely fairy residents also adds to the game's interest Sexual and social.

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Application information

  • Package name: com.hyperbeard.fairyvillage
  • name: FairyVillage
  • edition: zero point one four
  • MD5: 02679b6bf27a7b457dfa47c22c43d0d0
  • Record No.:
  • Download address
Special instructions:

The Chinese version is not online yet, so we will provide you with the latest version to download first!

Fairy Village v0.14 Chinese version download

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