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No Regret Chinese Mobile Tour Official

Light strategy management mobile game

 No Regret Chinese Mobile Tour Official
  • Classification: Android Strategic Game
  • Language: chinese
  • size: 500.5M
  • to update: 2023-12-21 16:41
  • edition: V3.4.91 Android
  • Environmental Science: Android, Online games

label: China without regret strategy management Official website: None

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 No regrets screenshot of official Chinese mobile game v3.4.91 Android version 0
 No regrets screenshot 1 of official v3.4.91 Android version of Huaxia mobile game
 No regrets screenshot 2 of official v3.4.91 Android version of Huaxia mobile game
 No regrets screenshot 3 of official v3.4.91 Android version of Huaxia mobile game
 No regrets screenshot 4 of official v3.4.91 Android version of Huaxia mobile game
Screenshot of the game "No Regret China Mobile Game Official"


China without Regret It is light strategy simulation of operation Mobile Games , players in game Selectable from history Any powerful monarch in the world will recruit military officers and counselors, gather famous officials, and run the world with their help. This game involves rich playing methods and elements, including strategy, management Warfare And other playing methods are familiar to everyone National style Painting style, please download the game to experience it.

Introduction to the game

Regretless China perfectly interprets the five thousand years of the Chinese nation civilization Let the players feel the unique charm. In the game, the players will experience various famous battles as the historical protagonists, and recruit famous officials, arrange troops, and run private businesses to achieve their hegemony.

 No Regret Chinese Mobile Tour Official

Game features

[Sigh at the beauty of China in each dynasty] Each dynasty has its own characteristics

[Gather Chinese Famous Generals and Talents] Famous officials recruit a group of heroes

[Unify Huaxia and Rectify Lions] Micro operation battlefield deployment

[Cehuaxia Hongtu Heye] Develop strategies and operate by force

[Choose the Chinese side future 】Your choice determines the outcome

Game highlights

--In No Regret China, you can play such a monarch, place yourself in the torrent of history, and recruit famous officials in history.

--It's up to you to choose whether you want to become the first emperor sweeping Liuhe or the King Wuling of Zhao who is trapped in the sand dunes.

--In these long years, our ancestors have experienced countless times of such difficult choices, so that the fire of civilization can continue.


Some tips

1. Behavior mode of wild monster AI: there are two kinds of wild monster. The wild monsters in the open city grid have 13 levels or 15 levels. Level 1-5 promotion to junior level military Scale and battle Capable. Level 7-13 needs to continue to improve combat effectiveness and army size. Level 14-15 basic army size needs to be fully expanded and battle cards must be used to fight.

The wild monster occupying the city has a first level military scale and combat effectiveness science and technology The combat effectiveness will gradually increase over time, and the upper limit is intermediate combat effectiveness technology and military scale technology. Therefore, after the middle period, the wild monster can take any second. In addition, spring and autumn the warring states During the period, the technology of wild monsters with high military morale and rebellion was the same as that of ordinary wild monsters, which was very weak.

2. Behavior mode of national AI: national AI will automatically build Cities (slightly slower than players), priority to upgrade military technology (very high priority), followed by upgrading economic technology. This kind of AI has great influence in two aspects.

First, AI will immediately upgrade military technology in the beginning, forcing players to upgrade military technology in order to expand, further squeezing the limited money resources in the beginning. Second, AI with more cities will gradually establish military advantages over AI with single cities/double cities as the accumulation of resources increases. Players will have more obvious advantages because of the fast upgrade of cities at most.

3. Player's behavior mode: In order to ensure that expansion is not hindered by small countries in foreign AI, the most important thing for players is to maintain military advantages, followed by economic advantages; For a big country, it doesn't matter if it has a temporary military disadvantage. Because AI has limited desire to expand, it usually only attacks a player's city once or twice, and then does not attack for a long time. For the time being, it doesn't matter whether the city is OK. After the small countries around are destroyed by the player, after a period of development, the player can establish a military advantage over the AI big country, so as to unify the whole picture by force.

4. Correlation of resources: population affects the recovery speed of soldiers, and only when the urban population reaches a certain number can the industry be upgraded; Food (money) construction provides food (money) output; The combat effectiveness building improves the combat effectiveness and recruitment speed, and increases the consumption of money and food.

The expedition cost: ① time ② soldier armour ③ food ④ money. Therefore, the distribution of population, food and money, and combat effectiveness building should be balanced as far as possible. The combat effectiveness building can be slightly less in the early stage and supplemented in the middle stage. This is the overall plan, and build The special grain city, population city and economic city do not conflict.

Seaside is preferred for economic city (possibly out of salt field), and population city is preferred Map It can be located in the center or close to AI countries (convenient for stationing troops and reducing the cost of expeditions), or in the mountains (horse farms) and plains of Liangcheng.

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[New Content]

1. From January 11, 2024, a new online game [Duel] will be unlocked. Friend invitation, online matching, monarch and minister hand in hand, strategic confrontation! [Online duel] The king can choose one monarch and four famous ministers (famous ministers with more than four stars) to participate in the duel in multiple modes such as matching online, friend duels, man-machine drills, etc. [Season system] will be launched simultaneously with online games, and players will be ranked according to the points obtained from victory. [Weapon System] The second round of the match match will open [Weapon Shop]. King Shang can use the [Military Expenses] provided in the game to obtain basic weapons and weapons in the mountain and sea armory, and can strengthen weapons to help improve the combat effectiveness of the game. [Taotie Store] The points store is opened synchronously, and Wang Shang can exchange rewards according to his season performance.  

2. From January 11, 2024, the weapon system in the script will be opened. At that time, the king can equip his own arms with weapons in the war situations of all times, consume money and food resources to strengthen weapons, so as to improve his own combat effectiveness. [Weapon Pool] From January 11, 2024, the weapon pool [Looking for Weapons] will be opened. The king can draw weapons here through the new prop [Hundred Hammers]. [New Gift Package] From January 11, 2024, a weekly limited weapon material gift package [Cutting Gold and Breaking Jade], [Tempering Through a Thousand Tempers] and [Evolution Pool] will be launched. From January 12 to January 25, 2024, the time limited evolution probability UP card of Han Xin+Chen Ping [Planning Chu and Han] will be opened

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