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Boiled Basketball Android

Basketball themed card game

 Boiled Basketball Android
  • Classification: Android card game
  • Language: chinese
  • size: 9M
  • to update: 2023-07-27 14:22
  • edition: V1.0.0 latest version
  • Environmental Science: Android, stand-alone

label: Boiled basketball Official website: None

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 Screenshot 0 of the latest version of boiled basketball Android v1.0.0
 Screenshot 1 of the latest version of boiled basketball Android v1.0.0
 Screenshot 2 of the latest version of boiled basketball Android v1.0.0
 Screenshot 3 of the latest version of boiled basketball Android v1.0.0
Screenshot of boiled basketball Android version


Boiling Basketball Android Edition It's a picture Cartoon Basketball themed Card fight Mobile Games game Joined a lot of basketball motion Player card role: players can unlock their favorite basketball players to form their own basketball team, upgrade, strengthen and improve the team's attributes, and compete with online partners, place Card battle , see who throws more balls.

Introduction to the game

Boiled Basketball is a card cultivate 's basketball manager game. Players play the role of team manager, recruit the strongest players, form the strongest team, and win the championship.

 Boiled Basketball Android

Game features

1. Try to not only upgrade to join the top basketball league.

2. Recruit different players to join our team and create a super team team

3、 Sports The enthusiasm of the competition can stimulate people's desire to win.

Game highlights

1、 collect And unlock a different card, there are more super players.

2. There is no strongest but stronger. Create a top team to compete for the championship.

3. A new challenge for basketball fans, playing with our basketball idols.

Game evaluation

interest 's basketball Card game , the player will become a basketball manager, who can collect various player cards, mix and match them freely, and create a powerful Football Team, free fight, different experience Basketball game , like friends can download and try.

Update log


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