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 B2B, How to build a high trust circle of friends with high customer price products

B2B, How to build a high trust circle of friends with high customer price products

91 Operations

Everyone has a circle of friends, and everyone can make a fortune. However, few of the circle of friends sold in various industries can make a fortune. How to build a consultative B2B sales circle of friends

 WeChat has released the folded top service number!

WeChat has released the folded top service number!

91 Operations

On Monday morning, the previously folded ceiling service number was released again. At the same time, the message notice originally folded in now appears in a more prominent way in the first place

 Do you really understand the WeChat index if you want to do a WeChat search for accurate traffic?

Do you really understand the WeChat index if you want to do a WeChat search for accurate traffic?

91 Operations

Today's article will definitely be more helpful for you to do a good job of searching traffic. If you have inspiration, you can share with friends who need it. Be sure to see the last~big article

 2024, the public account is still worth discussing

2024, the public account is still worth discussing

91 Operations

As a content creator, I have feelings for the public account. It has been nearly 10 years since I issued my first article in May 2015. With 「

 Why do we media stop changing and close down in batches? Because 96.5% of the authors earn less than 30000 yuan a year!!!

Why do we media stop changing and close down in batches? Because 96.5% of the authors earn less than 30000 yuan a year!!!

91 Operations

Unless you never read the news, you must have seen the news of "We Media's collective shutdown and bankruptcy" this year, such as CCTV, Hubei Daily, China Economic Weekly, etc

 These 400000 fans are enough for my retirement for the rest of my life!

These 400000 fans are enough for my retirement for the rest of my life!

91 Operations

In the last month, I added 130000 fans to the public account, which basically didn't cost a penny. Let me talk about experience, which is very valuable. Now 9

 Super leverage from personal IP to boss IP

Super leverage from personal IP to boss IP

91 Operations

"If you can do IP, you may not be a boss. If you can do a good job, you may not be able to do IP." 01 Personal IP leverages traffic. We are in an information explosion

 Enterprise new media operation is not equal to minor editing

Enterprise new media operation is not equal to minor editing

91 Operations

Last year, the department recruited a new student who had practiced in a big factory and assigned him to be responsible for the Little Red Book module. Since she is a newcomer and Little Red Book has zero experience in operation, I will take her from the self run official account first

 The latest major revision! In 2024, WeChat will be in full swing

The latest major revision! In 2024, WeChat will be in full swing

91 Operations

A few days ago, I was still complaining about the existence of asking questions in WeChat ecology... As a result, when I opened the search on my mobile phone today, I found that the question section of this page has

 I wrote 372 articles on our media public account, and I summarized 12 secret collections of public account

I wrote 372 articles on our media public account, and I summarized 12 secret collections of public account

91 Operations

I'm busy today. I don't have much time to read my mobile phone. So this article, simple, doesn't talk nonsense, goes straight to Dry Goods 1. The content will be hot again after the fire, always

 Small inflection point of main realization of station B UP: three paths, one background

Small inflection point of main realization of station B UP: three paths, one background

91 Operations

In the past year, there have been three representative cases of the main realization of station B's UP. They have the characteristics of station B's community and can also reflect the characteristics of station B's commercialization at the current stage@ Parrot pear

 15 ways to get recommendations for quick access to the public account (recommended collection)

15 ways to get recommendations for quick access to the public account (recommended collection)

91 Operations

Don't talk nonsense, go straight to dry goods: 1. Stick to daily changes, improve account activeness 2. Don't interfere manually, affect account tags 3. Spend half the time collecting every day

 The public account niche sector engages 100000 people a year, and the focus is on execution Popular articles

The public account niche sector engages 100000 people a year, and the focus is on execution

91 Operations

Today's topic about the niche of the public account is related to my career. To build this track, I don't rely on the main revenue of traffic, nor on paying for reading, nor do I need to build a community to make money. Say

 WeChat "ask and ask" a large wave of traffic is coming, isn't it over? Popular articles

WeChat "ask and ask" a large wave of traffic is coming, isn't it over?

91 Operations

This article is the latest, most comprehensive, and most awesome WeChat "Ask and Ask" game explanation+drainage strategy! At present, no one studies more deeply and thoroughly than Lao Kuang

 Play to earn public accounts, and collect dry goods worth 100000 yuan

Play to earn public accounts, value 100000 private dry goods

91 Operations

After the public account joined the recommendation, more and more people started the public account. Especially in recent months, a large number of people started the main gold digger of public account traffic. In fact, the public account can be operated

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