Prototype diagram - 91 operation network
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 Macro perspective: how to write the interactive description of the prototype diagram

Macro perspective: how to write the interactive description of the prototype diagram

91 Operations

The interactive description of the prototype diagram is the explanatory text for the content elements of the prototype diagram, which can be analyzed from both the macro and micro levels. This article, combined with the legend, mainly explains the macro perspective

 Axure Amazing Technology: How to make your prototype work

Axure Amazing Technology: How to make your prototype work

91 Operations

Let me introduce how to create a video prototype map directory on Mac. I Introduction to the use of tools. II. Steps to create a prototype map&am

 How to draw professional prototype drawings?

How to draw professional prototype drawings?

91 Operations

What kind of prototype is a professional prototype? The article summarizes some experience and hopes it will be helpful to you. The main content of this chapter (Prototype Part II): Prototype

 Are you buried in the big pits where the prototype was drawn?!

Are you buried in the big pits where the prototype was drawn?!

91 Operations

The reason for writing this article is that at last there is not only one product in our product. Recently, we recruited an intern named Xiaopanyou to help us. Then pinch, lazy cancer attack, just

 Product manager: Don't be a drawing manager

Product manager: Don't be a drawing manager

91 Operations

The product manager is the "soul" of the company. Even if it is necessary to pretend, it should not waste time on the high fidelity prototype. I often see several product managers discussing ax

 How are the three common "product flow charts" thought and drawn?

How are the three common "product flow charts" thought and drawn?

91 Operations

"Process" is more abstract than prototype diagram. How to draw a flow chart? What should be painted and what should not be painted? How to think? What are the categories of processes? These things

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