Traffic - 91 operation network
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 Different ways of getting traffic from the discovery page and search page of Little Red Book

Different ways of getting traffic from the discovery page and search page of Little Red Book

91 Operations

Discovery page and search page are two major use scenarios for Xiaohongshu users. In two scenarios, the distribution logic and quantity taking method are different. One is exposure flow to improve the brand

 What to do if the traffic drops sharply in Pinduoduo

What to do if the traffic drops sharply in Pinduoduo

91 Operations

What do we like best about Pinduoduo? Of course, it is an order breaker. What do you hate most? Of course, the single volume plummeted. When I do Pinduoduo, I just stare at the data all the time

 Business of hundreds of millions a year, stealing traffic in Little Red Book

Business of hundreds of millions a year, stealing traffic in Little Red Book

91 Operations

Let me tell you something about the poor information. Xiaohongshu has a track where he can make a lot of money. For example, opening a store to recruit apprentices, opening a branch to invest, recruiting the head of online WeChat business, recruiting distribution

 Where is the next outlet when the flow bonus disappears?

Where is the next outlet when the flow bonus disappears?

91 Operations

When an industry starts to compete for "refined operation", it can be judged that the industry has rolled out of the sky, the novice village has been leveled, and life and death competition has begun

 How to deal with flow fluctuation after 618 promotion? Do a good job of these points, and the traffic continues to explode

How to deal with flow fluctuation after 618 promotion? Do a good job of these points, and the traffic continues to explode

91 Operations

Hello, my name is Yang Weiguang. Everyone calls me Xiaobai. I have been engaged in the information fashion industry for 7 years, and now I am in charge of Qianchuan. For pitchers, Dasu is undoubtedly a double-edged sword, making

 Don't do live broadcast until you can't get traffic.

Don't do live broadcast until you can't get traffic.

91 Operations

This is the second part of "I've done live streaming for 5 years!". Through these two articles, we can tell you all about the replicable traffic we have practiced

 Three profit oriented flow playing methods, pay attention to collection!!!

Three profit oriented flow playing methods, pay attention to collection!!!

91 Operations

Who else emphasizes what playback volume? What number of fans? What private domain quantity? Pooh! It's useless. In 2024, only profits! Chat with a friend before

 2024 Traffic symbiosis, public domain scale, private domain compound interest!

2024 Traffic symbiosis, public domain scale, private domain compound interest!

91 Operations

The public domain and the private domain are symbiotic relationships. When discussing one party separately, we always unconsciously think about the relationship and linkage with the other party. There are many enterprises that will focus on the relationship between the two

 Another new channel to get traffic!

Another new channel to get traffic!

91 Operations

Many people have never understood the basic logic of making money. Of course, this is what I have been exploring. Many people do Taobao today, but there is no source of goods. Tomorrow, they will do some dithering

 Fans are soaring! WeChat "Ask", a must do flow outlet in 2023

Fans are soaring! WeChat "Ask", a must do flow outlet in 2023

91 Operations

Recently, many friends should have noticed that a new section called "Ask a Question" has been added on the "Search a Search" page of WeChat. Some people compare it to the WeChat version

 In the industry of high passenger price, pay attention to the traffic of small red books!

In the industry of high passenger price, pay attention to the traffic of small red books!

91 Operations

The little red book is the other end that I focus on this year besides the video number. I don't want to do dithering at all. For everyone

 Control traffic instead of becoming a traffic prisoner, and shake the flow change and response!

Control traffic instead of becoming a traffic prisoner, and shake the flow change and response!

91 Operations

This article has been prepared for a long time, but when I started to write it, I was a little confused: for whom? For those who play traffic or operate the platform, there may be some hints on the trading board

 Does dithering consumption run? Understand how to break through the account traffic hierarchy

Does dithering consumption run? Understand how to break through the account traffic hierarchy

91 Operations

01 The account traffic hierarchy, account model and release plan of Qianchuan traffic traders are the three core factors of release. This is a macro to micro process, the more

 My traffic methodology in Alibaba

My traffic methodology in Alibaba

91 Operations

The framework I share with you today is my summary of the past 20 years. After at least four or five waves of traffic, today I find that every time is very similar. Now

 A perfect diary based on traffic, no traffic?

A perfect diary based on traffic, no traffic?

91 Operations

It was mentioned in the report "Traffic Dilemma of Perfect Diary" that in the prospectus of Perfect Diary, KOL resources with deep cooperation are regarded as the core competitiveness of the company

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