Product Manager - 91 Operation Network
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 Five genres of excellent product managers

Five genres of excellent product managers

91 Operations

In the past two decades, the Internet in China has been booming, and the product manager is one of the positions with a halo. Many young partners who are on the way to grow up as product managers are often thinking about

 I used this universal interview question to brush off 60% of the product managers

I used this universal interview question to brush off 60% of the product managers

91 Operations

In each interview, I will ask the candidate to introduce himself first, and then ask him: "What is the biggest difficulty you encounter when you make products?" Seeing this question, do you

 20000 words in detail! Complete interview questions for product managers

20000 words in detail! Complete interview questions for product managers

91 Operations

In 2020, 2400 resumes were screened, more than 100 product managers were interviewed, and more than 20 students were helped to find new jobs. This article will be used here to divide

 Efficient workflow closed-loop for a senior product manager

Efficient workflow closed-loop for a senior product manager

91 Operations

This article shares its own workflow building process to answer readers' questions. Question: Peanut butter is good. Recently, I studied the knowledge related to task management and time management, but found that

 Everyone doesn't want to be a product manager anymore

Everyone doesn't want to be a product manager anymore

91 Operations

In 2020, many product managers found that they could not find jobs for themselves who were once favored by heaven. The daughter-in-law has gone to work. Watch the door close and do

 How to build enterprise user profiles for B-end product managers?

How to build enterprise user profiles for B-end product managers?

91 Operations

User portraits are one of the skills of product managers. We can analyze customers, understand customers, mine demand, and improve conversion rate and repurchase rate by building user portraits. So how to

 What are the books that Internet product managers must read?

What are the books that Internet product managers must read?

91 Operations

The previous article explained that the books related to product managers recommended online are really diverse, and most of them are dozens of books, I don't know

 High level product manager, how to use the system to solve problems

High level product manager, how to use the system to solve problems

91 Operations

Many new product managers are limited to the functional perspective: after receiving a task, they analyze the demand slightly, and then

 The product manager knows something about technology: what is https and what is the difference from http

The product manager knows something about technology: what is https and what is the difference from http

91 Operations

I surf the Internet every day. Have you noticed the difference between websites? This article mainly analyzes and explores the similarities and differences between https and http, and shares with you

 How many bottles of soda can I drink for 0 yuan? See if you can be a product manager

How many bottles of soda can I drink for 0 yuan? See if you can be a product manager

91 Operations

"Can you write code?" "No." "Can you write articles?" "No." "Can you write PS?" "Neither." "OK

 How can product managers communicate effectively?

How can product managers communicate effectively?

91 Operations

Communication and expression ability is a skill that product managers need to master in their work. How can product managers communicate and express effectively? The author of this article from programmer, email, user design

 To B product manager, how to break through the professional bottleneck?

To B product manager, how to break through the professional bottleneck?

91 Operations

Recently, someone asked me: How can you quickly improve your business ability as a B-end product manager& nbsp…

 What does a product manager do? Popular articles

What does a product manager do?

91 Operations

Last time I met a classmate when I went home, I mentioned that I had erased the resume of the product manager recruited by his school. So I asked him: Why on earth do you want to make products? My

 What should product managers at the C and B end do in different life cycles? Popular articles

What should product managers at the C and B end do in different life cycles?

91 Operations

The concept of life cycle is not new to everyone. Everything in the world has its own life cycle, such as a company, such as a product

 Ali, Meituan and Didi product managers said: "Happiness" and "Injury" of product managers

Ali, Meituan and Didi product managers said: "Happiness" and "Injury" of product managers

91 Operations

Some people always ask the product manager whether he is in charge of many people? be like a lion. The brain has a loop. I don't have this feeling. I'm the one who begged grandpa and grandma everywhere

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